What are the 14 animals in The Carnival of the Animals?

The Carnival of the Animals Movements

I. Introduction et marche royale du lion (Introduction and Royal March of the Lion)
II. Poules et coqs (Hens and Roosters)
III. Hémiones (animaux véloces) (Wild Asses: Swift Animals)
IV. Tortues (Tortoises)
V. L’éléphant (The Elephant)

Which animals does Saint-Saëns depict in The Carnival of the Animals ‘?

Each of the music’s 14 movements represents a different animal, including a lion, donkey, and elephant, as well as fossils, an aquarium, an aviary and – Saint-Saëns’ little joke – pianists, possibly the most dangerous animal of them all… The music is beautiful, funny, and clever all at once.

What is the story of Carnival of the Animals?

One day, two brothers discover a magical animal kingdom behind their bookcase. They are greeted by the royal lion with his shaggy mane; ask for directions from an old lonely tortoise; take a ride on some lumbering elephants; topple a skeleton of dinosaur bones; and swim among a school of shimmering fish.

Why did Saint-Saëns write The Carnival of the Animals?

From Swan to Dying Swan The Carnival of the Animals, composed in 1886, was originally written as a joke and Saint-Saëns worried that it might damage his reputation. He banned complete performances and only allowed one movement, The Swan, to be published while he was alive.

Who composed The Carnival of the Animals?

Camille Saint-SaënsThe Carnival of the Animals / Composer

What is Saint-Saëns most famous for?

Saint-Saëns was notable for his pioneering efforts on behalf of French music, and he was a gifted pianist and organist as well as a writer of criticism, poetry, essays, and plays.

When did Saint-Saëns write Carnival of animals?

February 1886
Following a disastrous concert tour of Germany in 1885–86, Saint-Saëns withdrew to a small Austrian village, where he composed The Carnival of the Animals in February 1886. From the beginning he regarded the work as a piece of fun.

Where was The Carnival of the Animals first performed?

Following a disastrous concert tour in Germany in 1885-56, Saint-Saëns withdrew to a small Austrian village, where he composed The Carnival of the Animals in February 1886. The work was originally written to be performed during the Carnival celebration in France which takes place the week just prior to Lent.