How do I make my GMod props persistent?

In sandbox, this can be set on an entity by opening the context menu, right clicking the entity, and choosing “Make Persistent”. Persistence can only be enabled with the sbox_persist convar, which works as an identifier for the current set of persistent entities.

How do you turn off props in GMod?

Shortcut: Z to undo. Notes: Reverses the last action(s) you made in Garry’s Mod.

Who created dark RP?

Falco Peijnenburg
DarkRP is a non-serious roleplay gamemode developed by FPtje (Falco Peijnenburg) over the course of the last 8 years, over this time it has grown into one of, if not the biggest gamemode in all of Garry’s Mod.

How do you make a prop effect in GMod?

There currently exists a method where you can go to props in the Gmod spawnlist and turn them into Dynamic Props. Such as, if you go down to Games > TF2 > player > items > (class), and then select a prop model, it will tell you the name.

What is persistence mode in GMOD?

Making something “persistant” means that it will save its placement inside the server. In other words its roughly like saving a single player game in a dedicated server.

How do you use commands in GMod?

To use the console commands press the ~ on your key board and a console screen should pop up and then type the code in the type section. -note: this can only be used in single player mode. Plus you need to type sv_cheats 1 to make this work. Allows the player to fly trough objects.

How do I delete props?

If true then you could use z to remove your the prop which you spawned most recently or you could hold c and right click on the prop and then click remove.

Who created rp_downtown_v2?

rp_downtown_v2 is a map that was commonly used in DarkRP servers. It was created by a mapper called ThePro, and is one of the most recognizable roleplay maps in Garry’s Mod.

What is NLR GMOD?

The New Life Rule (also known as NLR) is a feature that occurs when a player is killed; upon a player’s death, the area where they were killed will be blocked by a large, translucent red sphere for a short period of time.

How do you shrink yourself in GMod?

Press your shrink-key (J) to shrink. Press E while looking at a wall to climb it.

How do I make my NPCs bigger in GMod?

How to resize the NPCs? Hold the context menu button (default C) and right click on an NPC. It should give you a drop down menu that gives you NPC options.

What are GMOD commands?


  • god – enables invincibility.
  • buddha – allows you to lose health but you cannot die.
  • impulse 101 – gives all Half-Life 2 weapons.
  • name [name] – changes your name.
  • noclip – allows free flying.
  • notarget – makes you invisible to npcs.
  • sv_gravity (number here) – changes the amount of gravity.
  • kill – suicide.