How do you get Slayer Cape Osrs?

A Slayer cape is the Cape of Accomplishment for players who have achieved level 99 in the Slayer skill. The cape can be purchased for 99,000 coins from Duradel (slayer master), in Shilo Village. Slayer capes are black in colour, and have a red trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill.

Where do I get the master slayer Cape?

The cape is sold by Kuradal or in the Max Guild by Elen Anterth for 120,000 coins.

Which slayer master is best Osrs?

Level 100 combat required. Duradel is the best Slayer master in the game because he assigns the highest XP rate monsters. He is located in Shilo Village, which means you’ll need to complete the Shilo Village quest to gain access to the area.

Where can I buy divination Cape?

the Draynor jail
The Divination cape is the Cape of Accomplishment for the Divination skill. It can be bought for 99,000 coins alongside the Divination hood from Orla Fairweather, who can be found near the Draynor jail.

Which Slayer master gives fastest XP?

For the fastest Slayer XP, it is not recommended to use Konar. So, the only two Slayer Masters you should be using are Nieve or Duradel. Nieve’s most common slayer task is actually a JAD task, which is very different to Duradel’s most common task, which is Abyssal Demons.

Do you need 99 invention for max cape?

The hooded max cape is obtained by combining a max cape with a max hood. It is available to players who have attained at least 99 in all 28 skills (it does not require 120 in Dungeoneering, Invention, Slayer, Herblore, Farming, or Archaeology). It has an emote which shows off the player’s expertise in each skill.

How many hours does it take to max out Osrs?

Altogether, it really depends on what method you are using to train each skill. I calculated that if you are using the fastest methods for each skill, you can max in only 1700 hours in total. But, the average player is going to take more or less 2300 – 2500 hours.