Why does the inside of my knee hurt from running?

Runner’s Knee One of these conditions is called iliotibial (IT) band syndrome. It happens when the tendon is irritated or inflamed from overuse. Runners with IT bands syndrome often complain of pain on the inside of the knee. Runner’s knee is usually caused by overuse, so resting might be the right solution.

Does heel striking cause knee pain?

With heel strike running form, there are greater impact forces; as pronation occurs, the lower leg rotates inward. This may cause pain in the kneecap, especially if excessive pronation occurs. Improving core, hip and quadriceps flexibility and strength can help reduce or eliminate the knee pain.

How do you stop the inside of your knee from hurting?


  1. Rest the knee. If the injury is caused by sports, such as running, avoid this activity until the knee has healed.
  2. Use an ice pack. Applying ice to the injured area of the knee three to four times a day, for 20 minutes at a time, can reduce inflammation and pain.
  3. Anti-inflammatories.

Can running shoes cause inner knee pain?

If you have high arches or have flat feet, it is not uncommon for your foot to pronate or supinate too much. Wearing shoes made for people with a “normal” foot type can cause pain and injury. Injuries due to the wrong running shoes include but aren’t limited to: Inner knee pain.

Can running hurt MCL?

Either the bursa itself, the tendons (tendinopathy), or a combination of both can become irritated or inflamed with repetitive running. Like it’s lateral brothers, the Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) and Medial Meniscus are not as commonly injured without a specific twisting event.

Should you land on your heel when running?

To prevent injuries to your lower body, use a midfoot strike, and avoid hitting the ground with your heel. This allows your foot to land directly under your hip as you drive your body forward. A heel strike may cause your leg to slow down your stride and stress your knees.

What does MCL tear feel like?

MCL injuries hurt. Most people feel pain along the inside edge of the knee, and they also have swelling. You might hear a pop when the damage to the knee takes place, and your knee may lurch to the side. You may find it hard to walk, or feel like you can’t put pressure on the leg with the hurt knee.

Is it OK to run with runner’s knee?

Avoid doing any intense running, such as long runs, intervals or speed work, as these may cause further damage to your knee and increase inflammation. If your level of pain is above a 3 out of 10, you may want to stop running entirely. However, you should continue training your cardio with low-impact cross training.