What Pokémon game was out in 2016?

Sun and Moon
List of Pokémon video games

1996 Red and Green
2016 Sun and Moon
2017 Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
2018 Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee!
2019 Sword and Shield

Does the Wii have Pokémon games?

Pokémon Wii may refer to three different video games in the Pokémon series of video games for the Wii.

Are new Wii games still being made?

The last game releases for the Wii, Retro City Rampage DX+ and Shakedown: Hawaii, were released on July 9, 2020. Nintendo issued re-releases for key retail Wii games with the Nintendo Selects label, but those do not count as new releases.

What was the last Pokemon game?

Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Pokémon (video game series)

Platform(s) Game Boy Game Boy Color Game Boy Advance Nintendo DS Nintendo 3DS Nintendo Switch
First release Pocket Monsters Red and Green (Japan) February 27, 1996
Latest release Pokémon Legends: Arceus January 28, 2022
Spin-offs See List of Pokémon spin-offs

How many Pokemon Wii games are there?

WiiWare games Two Pokémon games have been released worldwide, and a third has been released only in Japan.

Can you play Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness on Wii?

Unfortunately, this is not possible. There is no way to download a legitimate copy of Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness on Wii, for following reasons: It is a NGC (Nintendo GameCube) game, and Nintendo has yet to sell NGC games digitally (as of 2020-12-04).

Who is the weakest Pokémon?

The 20 Weakest Pokemon Of All Time

  1. 1 Geodude. There are all kinds of candidates and descriptors for the weakest Pokemon.
  2. 2 Smeargle. Smeargle deserves at least one mention because, at its core, it’s exceptionally weak compared to nearly every Pokemon.
  3. 3 Wimpod.
  4. 4 Delibird.
  5. 5 Magikarp.
  6. 6 Metapod.
  7. 7 Igglybuff.
  8. 8 Slakoth.