How much is the Mont Blanc Express?

Info, prices and timetables A Mont-Blanc Express day pass is available for trips to Chamonix from Martigny. For a full day of discovery of Chamonix, the full price is 47 Swiss Francs. The price of a ticket on the French side is around 62 euros at the standard rate.

How many stairs is Mer de Glace?

Please note: there are around 580 steps from the cable car terminal to the cave entrance. The Montenvers site testifies to climate change in our day and age and is thus the ideal spot for a glaciology information centre.

How do you get to Chamonix by train?

The easiest way to get to Chamonix by train is through St. Gervais-le Fayet. Located 20km away from the ski resort, it is served by TER regional trains and the TGV. From here you can take a bus or a taxi to your final destination in Chamonix.

How long is the montenvers train?

3.2 miles
The iconic red Montenvers train runs on a rack and pinion (or cog) railway just over 5 kilometres in length (3.2 miles) and snakes its way up from Chamonix to the top station at 1,913 metres. The train was first put into use in 1908 when the line stopped at Caillet, and then fully opened all the way to the top in 1909.

How do I get to Grotte de Glace?

Hop aboard in Chamonix (not far from Le Refuge des Aiglons) and travel through rock tunnels, viaducts and mountainside passages all the way to Montenvers-Mer de Glace. From there, a gondola takes you directly to the stairs leading to Chamonix’s Grotte de Glace, unless you prefer to take the footpath.

How do you get from Mer de Glace to Chamonix?

To access the Mer de Glace and the Ice Cave in Chamonix, take the train of the Montenvers from Chamonix town center (Gare du Montenvers).

Do you need a car in Chamonix?

Once you get to Chamonix, you don’t need a car to get around. Public transport in Chamonix is great, with everything well-connected with public transport, and we’ll give you tourist guest cards on arrival so that you can use it all for free.

Where does montenvers train start?

The Montenvers Railway – Chamonix to the Mer de Glace The funicular railway departs from Chamonix and makes its way up the sides of the Aiguilles de Chamonix to an altitude of 1,913m.

Is there a cable car up Mont Blanc?

The Aiguille du Midi cable car holds the world record for the highest vertical ascent: 2807m (from 1035m to 3842m). This is the closest you can get to the Mont Blanc on a lift system. From here, there is no cable car to the summit of Mont Blanc.

How do I get to Mont Blanc from Chamonix?

There are only two modes of transport that can assist you in climbing Mont Blanc. The first is the cable car found in Chamonix town that will take you directly to the Aiguille du Midi, and then there is the tramway from Saint Gervais which takes you to the Nid d’Aigle.