Does retainer gear affect quick exploration?

Retainers assigned to quick exploration will always come back with a single item, which will remain unknown until the venture is completed. The retainer’s level determines the rewards available from quick exploration. The retainer’s gear will determine whether the rewarded item is high quality or not.

How do I get my retainer on my ventures?

Before your retainers can undertake ventures, you must first assign them a class and equip them with a weapon. Retainers can be set to any of the Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic and Gathering classes, provided the player has unlocked them.

Can retainers still sell while on ventures?

Note that even while undertaking ventures, they can still sell items on the market or be contacted to handle items. However, players cannot change their equipment until the venture completes. Retainer will attempt to obtain specific type of item dropped by creatures.

How do you give a retainer class?

To send out retainers on ventures you need to:

  1. Do a quest that unlocks ventures. (Slightly different versions of quest in each of the 3 starting cities, doesn’t matter which one you do.)
  2. Assign a class to the retainer. (
  3. Equip a main-hand weapon on the retainer appropriate for their class and level.

Does GP matter for retainers?

Perception and GP mean nothing for your retainers. Each venture has a loot table, which your retainer randomly gets an item from. Thus, more Gathering does not affect the % chance of getting that rare item.

Does HQ matter on retainers?

Gathering matters for DoL retainers. HQ gear helps when it raises Gathering. It also helps when you upgrade their gear and want to convert their old stuff to materia, too.

Does it matter what class your retainer is?

The retainer no matter what class can not be a class that you yourself have not unlocked. The retainer can also not level higher in a class than you yourself have, so if you have unlocked Samurai and levelled it to 70 they will not level above level 70.

Does gear matter on retainer?

Gear durability will not be affected by retainer ventures. Hunting allows Disciples of War and Magic classes to collect specific items dropped by enemies. All of the Disciples of War and Magic classes will procure the same items.

Do retainers need perception Ffxiv?

Yes. It increases the chance of getting HQ items.

Where are the retainers in Ffxiv?

Players can hire Retainers by talking to a Retainer Vocate near the Market Board of the main cities. By default, you can only hire two Retainers, but you can add up to 7 additional retainers (for a total of 9) from the Mog Station on the Final Fantasy XIV Lodestone.

Does brand new ring work for retainers?

Do Retainer’s benefit from the Exp effects of Brand-New Ring and Menphina’s Earring? No. Bulk EXP that’s not from enemy kills don’t count. This includes palace of the Dead and Heaven on High.