Who has myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy?

Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy has a pattern of inheritance known as incomplete autosomal dominance. People with a mutation in both copies of the MSTN gene in each cell (homozygotes) have significantly increased muscle mass and strength.

Who has the Hercules gene?

bodybuilder Eddie Hall
In July of 2019, bodybuilder Eddie Hall, the winner of the 2017 World’s Strongest Man Competition, announced that he has what’s commonly referred to as the “Hercule’s Gene.” This gene allows him to build more muscle mass than the average human being.

When was myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy discovered?

Many substances in the body can control muscle growth, but in 1997, Johns Hopkins University researchers discovered a gene and a protein called myostatin, first in mice, then in a breed of muscular cattle called the Belgian Blue.

How is myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy diagnosed?

Diagnosis/testing: Skeletal muscle size in an individual with myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy is measured by ultrasound examination, DEXA, or MRI. Subcutaneous fat pad thickness is measured by ultrasound or with a caliper.

Is myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy good?

Affected individuals have up to twice the usual amount of muscle mass in their bodies, but increases in muscle strength are not usually congruent. Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy is not known to cause medical problems, and affected individuals are intellectually normal.

What is Hercules syndrome?

Such symptoms tend to occur when attempting to move certain muscles after rest. In many cases, individuals with myotonia congenita also have abnormal enlargement of the muscles (hypertrophy), resulting in a “herculean” or “body-builder like” appearance.

How common is myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy?

Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy is not known to cause any medical problems, and affected individuals are intellectually normal. The prevalence of this condition is unknown. Mutations in the MSTN gene cause myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy.

How do I get rid of myostatin?

Myostatin is a protein that can prevent muscular growth, and you can lower your myostatin levels with resistance training and aerobic exercises. You should aim to work out at a moderate intensity with aerobic exercises for 20-30 minutes a few times a week. You can bike, use an elliptical machine, swim, or go for a jog.

Is myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy painful?

Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy is not known to cause medical problems, and affected individuals are intellectually normal….

Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy
Symptoms Decreased body fat, increased muscle mass
Causes mutations in the MSTN gene