What is the story of season 3 in The Vampire Diaries?

Season Summary Season three opens the door to learn more about Klaus and The Original Family as his motives for wanting Stefan on his side are finally revealed. As Stefan sinks deeper into the dark side, Damon and Elena struggle with the guilt of their growing bond even as they work together to bring Stefan back home.

Why is Alaric mad at Damon Season 3?

Alaric becomes indifferent with Damon because of this and attempts to kill Damon by staking him in the heart when he believes he has gone too far in his alliance with the sirens. Although Alaric was unaware of this, Damon comes back to life from this due to his immortal ties with the sirens and Cade.

What happened to Stefan in Season 3?

Damon reveals he has the White Oak stake and tries to stake Klaus. However Klaus is saved by Stefan as he pushes Damon out of the way. Klaus then stakes Mikeal leaving him to burn to death, revealing Stefan has now earned his freedom from compulsion.

Who killed Alaric in Vampire Diaries season 3?

Rebekah, enraged and desolate, decides to kill Alaric by killing Elena and causes them to drive off a bridge. Alaric dies in Damon’s arms after Elena drowns, but appears to Jeremy as a ghost to say goodbye.

Why does Alaric start killing?

Through overuse of the Gilbert Ring, Esther manipulated his spirit while he was on the Other Side before he would resurrect, and as a result he developed an alter ego, called The Darkness by Bonnie and Dark Alaric or Evil Alaric to others, that hated vampires and vampire sympathizers; as the Darkness, Alaric killed …

Does Alaric stay vampire?

Alaric is now resurrected as his Original Vampire self, while his alter-ego appears to have gone away for good upon his resurrection….About.

Borm February 4, 1976 (Boston; Age 42)
Turned By Esther Mikaelson in 2010 (through The Immortality Spell)
Status Alive (Resurrected)

Why is Alaric an original vampire?

Alaric became an Enhanced Original Vampire through Esther’s magic so he could kill her children with the last, and indestructible, White Oak Stake, to make the vampire species extinct before his death, his life having been linked to Elena’s.