How do I download Pearson Education TestGen?

Go to and click the DOWNLOADS link. When prompted to sign in, use the same username and password that you use to download instructor resource files from this site.

What is TestGen?

TestGen is a computerized test generation program, available exclusively from Pearson. You install TestGen on your personal computer (Windows or Macintosh) and create your own tests using test banks that accompany many Pearson textbooks.

What does TestGen plugin do?

The TestGen plug-in that allows you to upload your assignments has been fully retired. Instructors will no longer be able to create/edit/copy/import new TestGen assignments into MyLabs.

How do you use TestGen Pearson?

You will also need to download the testbank for your textbook.

  1. Install the TestGen program.
  2. Download the testbank for your textbook.
  3. Start the TestGen program.
  4. Open a testbank.
  5. Create a new paper test.
  6. View the testbank questions.
  7. Drag and drop questions to your test.
  8. Randomly add questions to your test.

How do I download ExamView?


  1. Sign in to your teacher account on Realize.
  2. Click Browse.
  3. Select the program you are using.
  4. Click the Tools option in the toolbar at the top of the Table of Contents page..
  5. Select ExamView Download for Windows or Mac.

Do test banks change with editions?

Does the content of the test bank varies from edition to another? Usually changes among editions are not major. They may add, change or update some questions from the previous edition. But it’s impossible to create completely new test bank for each new edition.

How do I get a Pearson test bank?

Pearson Test Banks

  1. Log into Pearson Higher Education ( null)
  2. Type in the ISBN and click search.
  3. Click either the Resources tab or Download Resources.
  4. Click the TestGen Testbank File (Zip) to download the file.

Can you download Pearson eBook as PDF?

Pearson Literature offers downloadable versions of the Student and Teacher’s eTexts for offline use as PDFs.

Can you print Pearson eBooks?

If your eText enables you to print pages, you can use the Print button on the toolbar or the Print link at top right of your screen to print one or more pages. If you see either the Print icon or the Print link, your eText supports printing pages, otherwise it does not.

How do I download ExamView on Mac?

Sign-in using your Turning technologies ExamView access account (the same account when logging into the ExamView software). Click Downloads tab. Download the TurningPoint desktop (Mac).

How do I open ExamView?

Opening a Test

  1. or click File from the menu bar and select Open Test. If you just opened the ExamView Test Generator, select Open an existing test from the Welcome screen.
  2. If necessary, identify the folder that contains the test file.
  3. Select the test and click Open.