What is JAAS realm?

public class JAASRealm extends RealmBase. Implementation of Realm that authenticates users via the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS). JAAS support requires either JDK 1.4 (which includes it as part of the standard platform) or JDK 1.3 (with the plug-in jaas.

What is JAAS tomcat?

Introduction. JAASRealm is an implementation of the Tomcat Realm interface that authenticates users through the Java Authentication & Authorization Service (JAAS) framework which is now provided as part of the standard Java SE API.

What is the full form of JAAS in Java?

The Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) was introduced as an optional package (extension) to the Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition (J2SDK), v 1.3.

How does JAAS authentication work?

JAAS authentication is performed in a pluggable fashion, so applications can remain independent from underlying authentication technologies. A system administrator determines the authentication technologies, or LoginModules, to be used for each application and configures them in a login Configuration.

Was JAAS a configuration?

JAAS login configurations are defined in the API security document for WebSphere Application Server configuration for applications to use. To access the configurations, complete the following steps: Click Security > Global security. Under Java Authentication and Authorization Service, click Application logins.

How does J_security_check work in Tomcat?

We need to define form action as j_security_check and username input field name must be j_username and password input field name must be j_password. Java EE defines j_security_check action for login form and in this way many different web application resources can be authenticated.

What is J_security_check in Java?

Using j_security_check in JavaServer Faces Forms As described in Form-Based Authentication, Java EE security defines the j_security_check action for login forms. This allows the web container to authenticate users from many different web application resources.

What is a login module?

The Login Module is a portal module that allows users to type a user name and password to log in. You can add this module on any module tab to allow users to log in to the system. More on creating module tabs.