How do you comment on overall performance?

“You can create great synergy among everyone at the office.” “Your ability to promote the company culture is well-respected.” “You work extremely well with others, and people feel positive when they work with you.” “Your ability to make everyone around you feel comfortable is a great asset to the organization.”

How do I comment on my own performance review?

Job Performance

  1. I am proud of my job, and I value my responsibilities.
  2. I never hesitate to participate in challenging tasks and go above and beyond.
  3. I take my job responsibilities seriously and believe in working in a team-oriented work environment.

How do you respond to good feedback at work?

Some ways you can word your thank you are:

  1. Thank you for noticing, it really makes me happy to hear!
  2. Thanks for noticing, I put a lot of time and effort into that project.
  3. Thanks for taking the time to let me know you feel this way!
  4. Thank you for the positive feedback! It means a lot to know you’ve noticed me.

How do I write a performance review for myself?

How to write a performance self-review

  • Make a list of your positive attributes. To write a self-performance review, you should first determine where you are in your professional career.
  • Reflect on your accomplishments.
  • Reflect on your mistakes.
  • Close with opportunities to grow.

What do you say after receiving feedback?

Try out these responses, then go out and grow.

  • “I really appreciate you pointing that out. I will fix that right away/moving forward.”
  • “You’re right. I didn’t put much time into that project.
  • “I appreciate you sharing your thoughts.
  • “I’m sorry you’re unhappy.

How do you respond to feedback in a professional manner?


  1. Manage Your Initial Response (i.e. Avoid Getting Defensive)
  2. Active Listening.
  3. Consider the Potential Benefits.
  4. Put Yourself in Their Shoes.
  5. Thank Them Sincerely.
  6. Ask for Examples to Better Understand the Feedback.
  7. Request Time to Follow Up.
  8. Engage in Self-Assessment.