What layer of the cornea is limbal girdle of Vogt?

White limbal girdle of Vogt is a very common, bilateral, innocuous, age-related condition characterized by chalky-white, crescentic deposits (elastotic degeneration) along the nasal and temporal perilimbal cornea.

What is posterior Embryotoxon?

Posterior embryotoxon (PE) is a corneal abnormality that is visible with slit-lamp biomicroscopy as a thin grey-white, arcuate ridge on the inner surface of the cornea, adjacent to the limbus. It is an anteriorly displaced Schwalbes line, the junction of Descemets membrane and the uveal trabecular meshwork.

What causes limbal girdle of Vogt?

And the White Limbal Girdle of Vogt—the most common type of degeneration caused by aging—is a thinning of the cornea’s periphery that causes visible changes along the corneal periphery but does not cause significant visual changes.

What is the difference between dystrophy and degeneration?

Degenerations are usually unilateral, asymmetric and often peripheral. Changes caused by inflammation, maturity or systemic disease result in deposition, thinning or vascularization of the corneal tissue. Dystrophies are rare conditions and may not present in a primary setting.

What is Crocodile shagreen?

Crocodile shagreen is a clinical finding that was initially described in the 1920’s and named by Vogt in 1930. 1. The disorder is characterized by a grayish, polygonal pattern of opacities with intervening clear zones across the central cornea that resembles crocodile skin.

What is the difference between SMA and MD?

A Word From Verywell Muscular dystrophy is a genetic condition encompassing nine main types, while muscle atrophy refers to the loss of muscle tissue. Muscle atrophy can often be reversed with treatments and exercise.

What is posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy?

Posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy (PPMD, PPCD) is a rare, bilateral, autosomal dominant inherited corneal dystrophy. The corneal abnormality in PPMD occurs at the level of Descemet’s membrane and endothelium, and rarely will result in corneal edema or elevated intraocular pressure.

What Palisades mean?

Definition of palisade (Entry 1 of 2) 1a : a fence of stakes especially for defense. b : a long strong stake pointed at the top and set close with others as a defense. 2 : a line of bold cliffs.