How do I get into Newcastle Medical School?

How to apply

  1. Apply through UCAS. To apply for undergraduate study at Newcastle University, you must use the online application system managed by the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS).
  2. Apply through an agent.
  3. UCAS admissions procedure for medicine programmes.

How long does it take to get an offer from Newcastle University?

within 15 working days
Your offer – what happens next? We aim to respond to your application within 15 working days. For some courses, or during busy times, this may take longer. If we need further information to help us make a decision, we will email you.

What UCAT score does Newcastle require?

High 2021 UCAT Score (above 2700)

Medical School UCAT 2020 scores
King’s Lowest interviewed = 2400 Average interviewed = 2745
Newcastle 2021 entry cut-off = 2730
Sheffield 2021 cut-off = 2740
Warwick Lowest interviewed = 2600 Average interviewed = 2780

Is Newcastle med school good?

Ranking. The MBBS degree at Newcastle University is one of the most highly ranked medical degrees in the UK; it ranked fifth in the Guardian University Guide in 2019 and seventh in The Times / Sunday Times Good University Guide 2019.

How many medical students are in Newcastle?

367 students
Reputation and rankings As of 2020 the medical school admits some 367 students per year (including 26 from overseas) making it one of the largest medical schools in the UK.

How long do Newcastle take to reply?

We aim to respond to your application within 15 working days. For some courses, or during busy times, this may take longer. If we need further information to help us make a decision, we will email you. You can track the progress of your application by logging in to your account.

Do Newcastle give unconditional offers?

Newcastle University made the same percentage of unconditional offers as Oxford. Imperial College, Cardiff, Durham, Southampton, Warwick, Leeds and Exeter also had very low unconditional offer rates at 0.1 per cent while Edinburgh, KCL, UCL and Glasgow are slightly higher at 0.2 per cent.

What is a good UCAT score 2021?

A UCAT score above 650 tends to be a good score. Even if you are up against people with scores well above the average, ensure you apply to universities that will assess you on other components too, such as your grades and your personal statement.

What is the average UCAT score 2021?

Final Scores Are Lower Than Interim Results We estimated from interim scores that the final mean score would end up being around 2,505 to 2,515, dropping from 2570 in previous years. In fact, the 2021 mean UCAT score is 2,499, which is slightly lower than our estimates. This is seen in every decile.

Is Newcastle med school competitive?

Is the competition at Newcastle intense? The competition to get into Newcastle for medicine is around the same as other medical schools in the country.

Is Newcastle University a Russell Group?

Newcastle University is a world-class research-intensive civic university. As a founding member of the Russell Group, it has a global reputation for academic excellence, innovation and creativity. The university plays a leading role in the economic, social and cultural development of North East England.