What does Yaku mean in mahjong?

In Japanese mahjong, yaku (Japanese: 役) is a condition that determines the value of the player’s hand. It is essential to know the yaku for game strategy, since a player must have a minimum of one yaku in their hand in order to legally win a hand.

How are points scored in mahjong?

Each hand, depending upon its difficulty, has scores from 1 to 88 points. The points for each hand are added together in a simple sum. In the Chinese Official version, minimum of 8 points are needed to declare mahjong….1 POINT HANDS – Total of 13 Hands.

1. Pure Double Chow
13. Flower Tiles

How does riichi Mahjong scoring work?

The basic points are thus 40 × 2 = 640. The dealer pays the winner 640 × 2 = 1,280, rounded up to 1,300 points. The other two non-dealers pay the winner 640, rounded up to 700 points. Example 2: The same player goes out by the same hand, except this time the winning tile was discarded by the player on the right.

Can you win with no yaku?

In order to win any hand in this game, a player requires at least one yaku. A hand having no yaku may not win, even if it has multiple dora.

What is the meaning of yaku?

Learn Japanese vocabulary: 焼く 【やく】(yaku). Meaning: to roast; to broil; to grill; to bake; to toast; to barbecue.

What is avoid points in mahjong?

Avoid points (Chinese: 无番和 wú fān hú) Hand completion with no points other than Flower tiles points.

What is the highest scoring hand in mahjong?

Nearly every mahjong hand has a value in terms of han and fu, the two scoring factors. The han and fu are plugged into an equation to derive the value of the hand. Certain yaku are instead given a value of yakuman (or sometimes double yakuman), the highest scoring hands.

How do you count yaku?

Scoring procedure

  1. If the hand is a yakuman, then hand scores 8,000 basic points.
  2. Otherwise, determine all of the hand’s valid yaku.
  3. Count the han based on the yaku.
  4. Count any number of dora to the han count.
  5. If the han count is 5 or more, then counting fu is no longer necessary.

What does chi mean in mahjong?

There are separate calls for when the discarded tile would complete a sequence or when it would complete a triplet. The first call is “chi”, which you can declare when the player on your left discards a tile that would complete a sequence with 2 of the tiles in your hand.

How do you count Yaku?