What is the English name of Kanikonna?

Cassia fistula, commonly known as golden shower, purging cassia, Indian laburnum, or pudding-pipe tree, is a flowering plant in the family Fabaceae….

Cassia fistula
Family: Fabaceae
Subfamily: Caesalpinioideae
Genus: Cassia
Species: C. fistula

What is the use of Kanikonna?

Kanikonna tree has medicinal properties. It is believed that it has capacity to purify blood by removing the toxic elements in our body. According to Ayurvedic texts, its bark can be used to treat skin diseases. The tree is largely planted as a shade tree in the state.

What is the symbol of the flower of Kanikonna?

The arrangement is a symbol of prosperity, and it’s the first thing every member of the family is supposed to see when they wake up in the morning. Without the kanikonna flowers, this arrangement is incomplete, and Keralites everywhere are struggling to get their hands on some of these flowers.

What is konna poo?

It’s also known as golden rain (shower) tree, Indian laburnum or Konnapoo. It’s the most important floral offering during Vishu celebrations and has become increasingly popular for Tamil New Year as well.

How do you grow Kanikonna?

Sow the seeds 1 inch (2.5 cm.) deep, then position the pots in a warm, bright location. You’ll see the first seedling within a month. All you need to do is keep the top few inches of medium moderately moist during the time of germination.

Is golden shower tree poisonous?

It’s true, the seeds of this fast-growing, drought and salt tolerant, medium-sized, deciduous tree are poisonous. The golden glow is followed by the production of almost two-feet-long, dark brown coloured, cylindrical, woody seedpods, which persist on the tree throughout the winter before falling to litter the ground.

What is Cassia fistula good for?

Root of Amaltas (Cassia Fistula Linn.) The root of amaltas is tonic, febrifuge, astringent and strong purgative. They are specially used in joint pain, migraine, chest pain and blood dysentery. Amaltas root is also useful in fever, heart diseases, retained excretions and biliousness.

Which country national flower is Jasmine?

The national flower of Tunisia is jasmine.

Where is Kanikonna?

In Kerala, the Kanikonna flowers are used during Vishu celebrations and are an inseparable part of the local culture. The tree itself is unmistakable when in full bloom, golden-yellow flowers held in droopy chandeliers on (sometimes) completely leafless trees, visible from far away.

Why is Kanikonna used in Vishu?

Vishu is fully dedicated to Lord Krishna who is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The golden shower flower, Kanikonna that marks the Vishu season is so special for the Hindus as it is regarded as the ornament of Lord Krishna that was worn around his waist.

What is the kanji for flower?

花 means ‘flower’ Kanji are classified as Jōyō (常用, common use), Jinmeiyō (人名用, used in names), or Hyōgaiji (表外字, ‘outside the chart’).

How do you germinate Kanikonna seeds?