What are pinnate and palmate leaves?

Pinnate (even): Leaflets are attached along an extension of the petiole called a rachis; there is an even number of leaflets. Palmate: Leaflets are attached to the tip of the petiole.

What is Pinnately and Palmately?

PALMATELY-COMPOUND: divided into leaflets that radiate outwards from the end of the petiole (the stalk that supports a leaf in a plant and attaches it to the stem). PINNATELY-COMPOUND: divided into leaflets that are arranged along a stalk-like extension of the petiole like a feather.

What is a palmate leaf?

Palmate leaves, which can be referred to as fan palms, have adjacent leaflets or leaf segments that are joined laterally for some or most of their length. They originate from a single point at the tip of the petiole, which often includes a specialized protuberance called the hastula.

What leaves are pinnate?

Trees With Pinnate Leaves Trees having a leaf that is pinnately compound will have leaflets growing from several places along the stalk or rachis—there can be as many as 21 leaflets and as few as three. Hickory, ash, walnut, pecan and black locust are all pinnate-leafed trees that can be found in North America.

What plants have palmate leaves?

Here is a quick guide to identifying some common trees with palmate leaves:

  • Maple (Acer sp.)
  • Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua)
  • Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis)
  • Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera)

What is the pinnate?

Definition of pinnate : resembling a feather especially in having similar parts arranged on opposite sides of an axis like the barbs on the rachis of a feather a pinnate leaf — see leaf illustration.

What is an example of palmately compound leaf?

A palmately compound leaf has its leaflets radiating outwards from the end of the petiole, like fingers off the palm of a hand. Examples of plants with palmately compound leaves include poison ivy, the buckeye tree, or the familiar house plant Schefflera sp. (commonly called “umbrella plant”).

What is a simple pinnate leaf?

simple leaf: a leaf with an undivided blade. compound leaf: a leaf where the blade is divided, forming leaflets. palmately compound leaf: leaf that has its leaflets radiating outwards from the end of the petiole. pinnately compound leaf: a leaf where the leaflets are arranged along the middle vein.

What are the types of leaves?

There are two different types of leaves – simples leaves and compound leaves. The other types of leaves include acicular, linear, lanceolate, orbicular, elliptical, oblique, centric cordate, etc. They perform the function of photosynthesis and help in the removal of excess water from the aerial parts of the plant.

Is Sunflower pinnate or palmate?

Grape, pumpkin, rhubarb, and sunflower are all examples of the palmate venation seen in most dicots and eudicots.