How is skeletal age determined?

A bone age study helps doctors estimate the maturity of a child’s skeletal system. They do this by taking a single X-ray of the left wrist, hand, and fingers. The bones on the X-ray image are compared with X-ray images in a standard atlas of bone development.

At what age does skeletal maturity occur?

Skeletal maturity is attained when the epiphyseal plates close. Epiphyseal closure begins in childhood and is usually complete by 25 years of age (see Figure 6-10). Fusion of the vertebral arches is seen in the cervical spine in the first year of life and in the lumbar spine by 6 years of life.

Why is the left hand used to determine bone age?

There are several reasons for using left hand and wrist radiographs for bone age assessment rather than right hand and wrist radiographs. One reason is that most people are right-handed, and therefore, the right hand is more likely to be injured than the left hand (1).

How accurate is a bone age test?

To appreciate the clinical relevance of a more accurate bone age assessment, we note that the SD of bone age of healthy subjects at a fixed age is of the order of 1.0 y (above the age of 7 y), i.e. the natural variance is 1.0 y2. The typical manual rater accuracy is 0.58 y, which corresponds to a variance of 0.34 y2.

Is bone age test accurate?

IS A BONE AGE ACCURATE? While the bone age study is an extremely valuable tool for assessing growth, there is a wide degree of variability in normal children. A one-year difference between actual (chronologic) age and the bone age is a common finding in the school-age child.

What bone is most accurate for estimating age?

The pubic symphysis is one of the most reliable areas of the skeleton for adult age estimation.

Why is my bone age older than me?

For most people, their bone age is the same as their biological age but for some individuals, their bone age is a couple of years older or younger. Those with advanced bone ages typically hit a growth spurt early on but stop growing sooner, while those with delayed bone ages hit their growth spurt later than normal.

What bone age do growth plates close?

At that point growth plates are considered closed. Typically, girls’ growth plates close when they’re about 14-15 years old on average. Boys’ growth plates close by around the time they turn 16-17 on average. This occurs earlier in some individuals and later in others.

How much does a bone age test cost?

Typical costs: For patients not covered by health insurance, the typical cost of a bone density test, including a doctor consultation to explain the results, is about $150 to $250.

What does it mean if your bone age is younger than you?