How does friction factor vary with Reynolds number?

The friction factor for smooth pipes (e.g., brass tubing) decreases more rapidly with the increasing Reynolds number than for the pipe with comparatively rough walls. The internal surface of a pipe is independent of the diameter.

Is friction factor proportional to Reynolds number?

Detailed Solution. Thus, the friction factor is inversely proportional to Reynolds Number.

What is the Reynolds number for water?

32 483
In our Reynolds number calculator, we choose (as a substance) water at 10 °C and we obtain Reynolds number Re = 32 483 .

What Reynolds number is turbulent for water?

A Reynolds number that measures over 4000 is considered to be turbulent water flow.

What is friction factor in fluid mechanics?

Definition of friction factor The friction factor is representing the loss of pressure of a fluid in a pipe due to the interactions in between the fluid and the pipe. f/2=friction factor – fanning. D=Pipe diameter in m. um=mean velocity in m/s.

Which among the following does not depend on the friction factor?

Q. Which among the following does not depend on the friction factor?
B. fluid density
C. viscosity
D. weight
Answer» d. weight

How is the friction factor for flow in a pipe related to the pressure loss how is the pressure loss related to the pumping power requirement for a given mass flow rate?

How is the pressure loss related to the pumping power requirement for a given mass flow rate? Thus, the friction factor is directly proportional to the pressure loss, for a specified fluid flowing in a particular velocity through a pipe having constant length and diameter.

Is water laminar or turbulent?

Water undergoes transition to turbulence at low speeds. Most of the water flows we see, such as in streams and rivers, are indeed turbulent. Air too is a fluid, its viscosity, \nu, is approximately 10^{-3} m^2/s.

How do you find the friction factor for turbulent flow?

How to calculate friction factor for turbulent flow?

  1. Calculate the Reynold’s number for the flow (using ρ × V × D / μ).
  2. Check the relative roughness (k/D) to be under 0.01.
  3. Use the Reynold’s number, roughness in the Moody formula – f = 0.0055 × ( 1 + (2×104 × k/D + 106/Re)1/3)

Why does friction factor decrease with Reynolds number?

It must be noted that the friction factor is independent of the Reynolds number at very large Reynolds numbers. This is because the thickness of the laminar sublayer (viscous sublayer) decreases with increasing Reynolds number.