What are the theories regarding drug receptor relationship?
What are the theories regarding drug receptor relationship?
A drug’s ability to affect a given receptor is related to the drug’s affinity (probability of the drug occupying a receptor at any given instant) and intrinsic efficacy (intrinsic activity—degree to which a ligand activates receptors and leads to cellular response).
What are the 4 types of receptors in pharmacology?
Receptors can be subdivided into four main classes: ligand-gated ion channels, tyrosine kinase-coupled, intracellular steroid and G-protein-coupled (GPCR).
What is KD in pharmacology?
The equilibrium dissociation constant KD is loosely defined as the concentration of a radioligand that occupies half of a par- ticular receptor population. The concentration used here is the in vitro concentration; clinically the mass (dose) of drug given to a patient is more commonly used (see below).
How do drugs interact with receptors?
Molecules (eg, drugs, hormones, neurotransmitters) that bind to a receptor are called ligands. The binding can be specific and reversible. A ligand may activate or inactivate a receptor; activation may increase or decrease a particular cell function. Each ligand may interact with multiple receptor subtypes.
What are theories of drug action?
A theory of drug action is developed on the assumption that excitation by a stimulant drug is proportional to the rate of drug-receptor combination, rather than to the proportion of receptors occupied by the drug.
What is the receptor site theory?
Receptor site theory explains how our nose can detect various smells. It says that nose have bunch of locks and each lock is opened by a specific key. Locks are receptors and keys are odor molecules.
Which important factors influence drug receptor interaction?
How is Kd measured?
How is it calculated? KD is the ratio of the antibody dissociation rate (koff), how quickly it dissociates from its antigen, to the antibody association rate (kon) of the antibody, how quickly it binds to its antigen.
What factors influence drug receptor interaction?
What are the different forces involved in drug receptor interaction?
The forces that are important in the binding of drugs to receptors include, electrostatic attractions and van der Waals forces (e.g., hydrogen bonds5 and dipole-dipole forces) (Figure 9).