What is the function of DOST?

1. Formulate and adopt a comprehensive National Science and Technology Plan, and monitor and coordinate its funding and implementation;
2. Promote, assist and, where appropriate, undertake scientific and technological research and development in areas identified as vital to the country’s development;

What are the projects of DOST?

Programs and Services

  • Technology Transfer and Commercialization / Innovation System Support.
  • Testing and Calibration Services.
  • Packaging and Labeling Services.
  • Technical Consultancy Services.
  • Technology Training.
  • Technology Clinics/ Investor’s Fora.
  • Science and Technology Scholarship.

What are the 5 national R&D priority areas and programs in the Philippines for the term 2017 2022?

The Council is mandated to promote and support fundamental and basic research. There are six priority areas that will be attended to by the R&D agenda of the NRCP including water security, food and nutrition security, health sufficiency, clean energy, sustainable community and inclusive nation-building.

What are the programs of Department of Agriculture?

Agricultural Credit and Financing Programs

  • SURE COVID-19.
  • Kapital Access for Young Agripreneurs (KAYA)
  • Agri-Negosyo Loan Program (ANYO)
  • Sikat Saka Program (SSP)
  • Agrarian Production Credit Program (APCP)

What is DOTC?

The Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) is the primary government agency responsible for the development and regulation of transportation and communications systems.

What is the function of DTI?

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is a prime mover of consumer welfare. It is committed to protecting the rights and interests of the consumers and is also committed to developing policies and programs aimed at sustaining the growth and development of the Philippine economy.

What is the best project promoted by DOST?

A joint project of DOST and BPI Foundation, it is an annual competition for Best Thesis by graduating students pursuing science courses in 10 selected universities. The project aims to give recognition and incentives to students who excel in applied and basic science.

What are the contributions of DOST in the Philippines?

Formulate and adopt a comprehensive National Science and Technology Plan, and monitor and coordinate its funding and implementation; 2. Promote, assist and, where appropriate, undertake scientific and technological research and development in areas identified as vital to the country’s development; 3.

What are the three pillars of Ambisyon natin 2040?

The plan includes strategies based on the three main pillars: malasakit, pagbabago and patuloy na pag-unlad.

What is sapat program?

SAPAT Program. The SAPAT program focuses on food safety of raw or processed food products (particularly on contaminants and adulterants.

What is the function of Department of Agriculture in the Philippines?

The Department is the government agency responsible for the promotion of agricultural development by providing the policy framework, public investments, and support services needed for domestic and export-oriented business enterprises.

What are the programs of Department of Agriculture in the Philippines?

implements six banner programs, namely, rice, corn, high value crops, livestock, ce, corn, high value crops, livestock, fisheries and organic agriculture in its’ bid to boost national production of these commodities.