Which is used for treatment of erythema?

Treatments for erythema multiforme antihistamines and moisturising cream (emollients) to reduce itching. steroid cream to reduce redness and swelling (inflammation) painkillers for any pain. antiviral tablets, if the cause is a viral infection.

How do you manage erythema multiforme?

The management of erythema multiforme involves symptomatic treatment with topical steroids or antihistamines and treating the underlying etiology, if known. Recurrent erythema multiforme associated with the herpes simplex virus should be treated with prophylactic antiviral therapy.

What is the treatment of choice for erythema multiform?

For all forms of erythema multiforme (EM), the most important treatment is usually symptomatic, including oral antihistamines, analgesics, local skin care, and soothing mouthwashes (eg, oral rinsing with warm saline or a solution of diphenhydramine, xylocaine, and kaopectate). Topical steroids may be considered.

Can erythema multiforme be cured?

Erythema multiforme minor usually resolves by itself, but treatment is sometimes necessary. A doctor might prescribe topical steroids if symptoms persist. Erythema multiforme major requires much more treatment. People with oozing lesions will need bandages and pain relievers.

Does prednisone help erythema multiforme?

Nevertheless, prednisone is often given for severe symptoms, in adults at a dose of 30 to 60 mg/d. The role of antiviral therapy for erythema multiforme is also debated, with some authors suggesting that long-term prophylactic antiviral treatment is both helpful and justifiable.

How long does erythema multiforme take to heal?

The erythema multiforme rash often goes away in 1 to 2 weeks, but can last as long as 4 weeks. It doesn’t cause a scar, but in some kids might leave darker spots on the skin for a few months. It can be hard to wait until the rash goes away.

Which drug is most likely to be causing erythema multiforme?

Although medications cause less than 10% of erythema multiforme cases, many drugs have been associated with erythema multiforme, most commonly nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antiepileptics, and antibiotics.

How long does it take for erythema multiforme to go away?

Does erythema go away?

In some people it can last for months or longer, but it doesn’t cause long-term problems. Symptoms typically go away within seven to 10 days. Treatment includes supportive care to relive itching, fever and swelling.
