Where can I watch pound of flesh?

Amazon Prime
Right now you can watch Pound of Flesh on Amazon Prime. You are able to stream Pound of Flesh by renting or purchasing on Amazon Instant Video.

What is pound of flesh movie about?

A former black-ops agent (Jean-Claude Van Damme) begins a blood-soaked quest to find the organ thieves who stole his kidney before he could donate it to his dying niece.Pound of Flesh / Film synopsis

When was pound flesh filmed?

Filming. Principal photography and production ended on May 24, 2014. On January 14, 2015, Shahlavi died in his sleep at the age of 42. The film’s end credits start with an In memoriam to him.

Did Shylock get pound of flesh?

Bassanio offers his wife’s money, which would more than pay the debt, but Shylock refuses to accept. Antonio’s death is only prevented as Balthazar explains the bond is for flesh but not for a single drop of blood. So Shylock cannot collect the pound of flesh.

What does Shylock mean by a pound of flesh?

Someone demanding their pound of flesh is saying that they are determined to get what is theirs by right, no matter how it may affect anyone else and regardless of the consequences. It comes from The Merchant of Venice and is spoken by Shylock, a moneylender, who is an outcast in Venice because he’s a Jew.

What is Shylock’s religion?

Shylock, the Jewish moneylender in Shakespeare’s comedy The Merchant of Venice. Shylock is a grasping but proud and somewhat tragic figure, and his role and Shakespeare’s intentions continue to be the source of much discussion.

What is the moral of the play a pound of flesh?

Someone demanding their pound of flesh is saying that they are determined to get what is theirs by right, no matter how it may affect anyone else and regardless of the consequences.

What was the name of Shylock’s wife?

Perhaps an overlooked “missing mother” in Shakespeare’s work is Leah, the deceased wife of Shylock and mother of Jessica in Merchant of Venice. The only mention of her in the text comes when Jessica sells a ring given from Leah to Shylock, an act that helps cement Jessica’s abandonment of her father’s Jewish culture.

Was Shylock a victim or villain?

He is essentially paying six thousand ducats to have Antonio executed. At the end of The Merchant of Venice, Shylock has been both a victim and a villain. He is a victim of his religion, and a victim of his greed and overwhelming need for revenge.