How does refraction affect fishing?

Light coming from the fish refracts (changes direction) when it hits the surface. A person above the water sees the apparent position of the fish closer to the surface than the real position of the fish.

Is fishing reflection or refraction?

Fortunately for the fish, light refracts as it travels from the fish in the water to the eyes of the hunter. The refraction occurs at the water-air boundary. Due to this bending of the path of light, a fish appears to be at a location where it isn’t. A visual distortion occurs.

Why does a ruler placed in a beaker of water appear bent?

A:It all has to do with the fact that light travels more slowly in water than it does in air, and that causes the light to bend when it goes from water to air, or vice versa.

How do you demonstrate refraction in water?


  1. Get a sheet of paper, and draw two arrows on it. One arrow near the top and one arrow near the bottom. Make the arrows point in the same direction.
  2. Fill a glass with water.
  3. Slowly lower the piece of paper behind the glass of water.
  4. Look through the glass of water and watch what happens.

How do you catch fish due to refraction of light?

As the light from the fish leaves the water it bends away from the normal (right angled line to the surface). This makes the fish appear to be nearer to the surface and further away because your eye assumes light travels in a straight line. If the fisherman aims nearer to himself, he should hit the fish!

Why do objects in water appear bent?

Refraction of Light in Water When light travels from air into water, it will change its speed and its direction. As light travels into a denser medium (water), the light ray will ‘bend’ toward the normal. When it goes back into the less dense medium (air), it will bend back through the same angle as when it came in.

What happened to the material plastic ruler when bent?

Only the physical appearance of the materials is changed. Example: Like plastic ruler when bent, it only changes its form not its chemical composition.

What happens when you put an arrow behind a glass of water?

The science bit: The arrow looks like it has changed direction because of something called refraction. Refraction happens when light passes through one transparent (clear) thing into another, in this case, from air through the glass and water. This is sometimes called the bending of light.

How does your knowledge of refraction benefit you if you are trying to catch a fish with a spear?

We now know that a light ray travelling from air to water will be refracted (change direction) and so too will light from water to air. This means that if you are trying to spear a fish in the water . . .

Do you aim above or below a fish?

You always want to aim below the fish because the refraction of light makes the fish appear closer to the surface than they are. The distance that you aim depends on how far away you are from the fish, and how deep the fish is in the water.