What is capitellum fracture?
What is capitellum fracture?
Fracture of the capitellum is an intra-articular fracture of the elbow, analogous to the Hoffa fracture of the knee. It is a rare fracture which represents an injury to the lateral column of the distal humerus. The mechanism of injury is usually an axial loading through the radial head [3].
How is capitellum fracture treated?
A variety of methods of treating capitellum fractures have been described. These include closed reduction, excision, and open reduction with or without internal fixation. Closed reduction of type I capitellar fractures has been reported in a few series [14, 15].
What is the capitellum of the elbow?
The capitellum, also referred to as the capitulum, is the lateral part of the humeral condyle that articulates with the radial head.
What bone is the capitellum?
the humerus
In human anatomy of the arm, the capitulum of the humerus is a smooth, rounded eminence on the lateral portion of the distal articular surface of the humerus. It articulates with the cupshaped depression on the head of the radius, and is limited to the front and lower part of the bone.
What is osteochondritis dissecans of the capitellum?
Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) is a process in which a segment of articular cartilage separates from the subchondral bone. In the human body, OCD lesions are most commonly found in the knee, followed by the ankle and the elbow[1]. OCD of the elbow typically affects the capitellum of the humerus.
What is Panner’s disease?
What Is Panner’s Disease? Panner’s disease happens from temporary changes in the capitellum. The capitellum is the outside bone of the elbow at the end of the upper arm bone (the humerus). Healing can take time, but most kids with Panner’s disease recover with no lasting problems.
How long does it take for a capitellum fracture to heal?
Immobilization in a long-arm cast or splint with the elbow flexed to 90 degrees for 4-6 weeks to keep the capitellum reduced to the radial head is recommended.
What is the capitulum?
Definition of capitulum 1 : a rounded protuberance of an anatomical part (such as a bone) 2 : a racemose inflorescence (as of the sunflower) with the axis shortened and dilated to form a rounded or flattened cluster of sessile flowers — see inflorescence illustration.
Why does my capitellum hurt?
Overview of OCD of the Capitellum Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) is a painful condition in your elbow joint and occurs at the place where the end of one bone meets the end of another bone. It happens when the subchondral bone surrounding the capitellum of your elbow dies due to lack of blood flow.
What attaches to capitellum?
The capitulum laterally articulates with the radius; the trochlea, a spool-shaped surface, articulates with the ulna.
What is the function of capitellum?
The capitellum plays a significant role in the pivot function of the elbow, creating the “ball” of the pivoting ball-and-socket part of the elbow joint. Fractures to this portion of the humerus are rare. They account for an estimated 1% of elbow fractures and 6% of distal humerus fractures.
How do you treat osteochondritis dissecans?
- Resting your joint. Avoid activities that stress your joint, such as jumping and running if your knee is affected.
- Physical therapy. Most often, this therapy includes stretching, range-of-motion exercises and strengthening exercises for the muscles that support the involved joint.