How do you describe places to visit?

9 English Expressions to Describe Places – Travel ESL Vocabulary

  • Overrated/Underrated.
  • Lively.
  • Scenic.
  • Secluded.
  • Unspoiled.
  • Touristy.
  • Polluted.
  • Overdeveloped.

How do you describe a place in English examples?

A list of useful words for describing cities, towns and countries.

  • ancient – a place that has a long history.
  • beautiful – very pleasing on the eye.
  • boring – dull and not very interesting.
  • bustling – a crowded, busy place.
  • charming – nice, very pleasing.
  • contemporary – modern, very up to date.

How do you describe a place essay?

1. Mention the location, dimension and facility in case of school, home or library. 2. Description of a city- geographical location, the people their dress food habits social and cultural customs, occupations, etc.

How do I start an essay about a place?

When writing about a place, start your essay by describing your very first impression of the place. For example; to describe a coffee shop, the first impression may be the smell of coffee beans, or the sight of the girl at the counter taking orders.

How do you describe a peaceful place?

A peaceful place is somewhere you can go to slow down, reflect, engage in enjoyable activities. You can be alone or with others who you find relaxing to be around. A place that doesn’t demand anything of you or expect you to be someone you’re not – where you can just be.

How do you say beautiful view?


  1. breathtaking.
  2. dramatic.
  3. grand.
  4. panoramic.
  5. spectacular.
  6. impressive.
  7. striking.

What is an essay of place?

A sense-of-place essay strives to do the same. This form of a descriptive essay requires you to describe a particular location, such as a childhood home, a park or an entire city, and you will write your essay so that the reader believes she has been there.

How would you describe a serene place?

Some common synonyms of serene are calm, peaceful, placid, and tranquil. While all these words mean “quiet and free from disturbance,” serene stresses an unclouded and lofty tranquility.

What can I say instead of beautiful place?


  • wonderland. noun. a place that is beautiful, strange, and exciting.
  • beauty spot. noun. a beautiful place in the countryside that attracts tourists.
  • Eden. noun. a beautiful peaceful place.
  • Shangri La. an imaginary distant place where everything is beautiful and peaceful.
  • fairyland. noun.
  • gem. noun.
  • vision. noun.
  • work of art. noun.