Why has my rasbora died?

Dirty Water & Dirty Tank One of the most common causes for rasboras death is dirty water and a dirty tank. First off, you need to have a good aquarium filter. First off, this means that your aquarium filter should be able to process at least 3 times the total amount of water in the tank per hour.

What is the lifespan of a harlequin rasbora?

between 5 and 8 years
The average lifespan of the Harlequin Rasbora is between 5 and 8 years. Most will live until they’re about 6 years old, with good care and genetics determining if they will hit the upper end of that range.

How often should you feed harlequin fish?

Feeding. A quality tropical fish flake food is sufficient for daily feeding. To maintain a harlequin rasbora’s coloring, supplement with live or freeze dried worms and brine shrimp several times a week. Feed a school of rasboras three times a day, only as much as they will eat completely with in three minutes.

What temperature do harlequin fish like?

73 to 82 F

Family Cyprinidae
Care Intermediate
pH 6.0 to 7.5
Hardness Up to 12 dGH
Temperature 73 to 82 F (23 to 28 C)

How do you treat columnaris?

Treatment. External infections should be treated with antibiotics, chemicals in the water, or both. 1 Copper sulfate, Acriflavine, Furan, and Terramycin may all be used in the water to treat columnaris. Terramycin has proven to be quite effective both as a bath, and when used to treat foods for internal infections.

Are harlequin rasboras Hardy?

Harlequins are hardy fish, so they don’t get ill very often. With proper care, you’re unlikely to experience any problems. The most common diseases affecting them are issues for many other aquarium fish too.

Do harlequin rasboras like current?

Harlequin Rasboras inhabit slow moving waters that do not provide their natural habitat with a lot of fast moving waters or current. A regular tank filter will provide your Harlequin Rasboras with enough water movement to mimic what they are used to in the wild as well as keep their water clean.

What food do Harlequins eat?

Harlequin rasboras have small mouths, so they’ll only be able to eat small particles. In the wild this means they’re restricted to foods like plant detritus, small insect larvae, and eggs. Their omnivorous diet means they are opportunistic; they eat whatever comes their way.

Do harlequin rasboras need heater?

Water Temperature The harlequin rasbora lives in a tropical climate where the water is warm. Extremely high or low temperatures are not good for the fish as it lives in water where the temperature is between 73 to 82 F.

Do rasboras like heavily planted tanks?

Habitat. You want to mimic the rasbora’s natural habitat as closely as possible to keep them comfortable. This means maintaining a heavily planted aquarium.

Do harlequin rasbora need heater?