How far can a train go on 1 gallon of fuel?

CSX trains can move a ton of freight approximately 492 miles on a single gallon of fuel. Efficient use of fuel means fewer greenhouse gas emissions for our planet.

What is the fuel efficiency of a train?

Rail fuel efficiency ranged from 196 to 1,179 ton-miles per gallon while truck fuel efficiency ranged from 84 to 167 ton-miles per gallon. The extent of track grade and curvature and train resistance (including such factors as rolling and flange resistance) are major contributors to rail fuel efficiency.

How much fuel does train use?

The average fuel consumed per kilo- meter for all passenger and cargo trains is 7.97 L/ km. This value for local, trafficking, railway track laying and maneuvering trains is 7.92 L/km.

Are trains more efficient than trucks?

On average, railroads are three to four times more fuel efficient than trucks. That means moving freight by rail instead of truck lowers greenhouse gas emissions by up to 75%, on average.

Are trains more efficient than cars?

Passenger rail is around three times more efficient than a car on a passenger-mile basis at current occupancy levels. The lower energy consumption leads to lower greenhouse emissions.

How many train cars equal a mile?

Car-miles measure individual vehicle-miles in a train. A 10-car train traveling 1 mile would equal 1 train-mile and 10 car-miles.

Why don’t we use trains instead of trucks?

While a train is usually allowed to carry the same amount of weight as a truck, the carriages are often much heavier, and this limits the amount of goods which can be transported with them. Most rail shipping providers can move 43,500 lbs. per container, though this can be less with some companies.

Are freight trains cheaper than trucks?

Since trains are more fuel-efficient than trucks, the cost to ship freight via rail is very price competitive. In fact, shipping by rail uses approximately three times less fuel than trucks, saving in fuel surcharges.

What is the most energy-efficient transportation?

Rail is the most energy-efficient mode of passenger transport.

Why do we use trucks instead of trains?

When freight needs to travel a short distance, using a truck to transport goods is often preferred. Trucks can quickly load and unload and fuel efficiency is less of a concern over a short distance.