What is sales area data?

In SAP, Sales area is a combination of three organizational units i.e. Sales organization, Distribution channel and Division. The sales area represents the basic sales process of company and uses to maintain master data, to configure the documents to process documents(by customers) and generate reports.

How do you find sales area?

Sales Area is a combination of Sales organization, distribution channel and Division which is like shown in the diagram. Sales document, delivery document and billing document is always assigned to Sales Area.

What is KNVV table in SAP?

KNVV is a standard Customer Master Transparent Table in SAP Logistics application, which stores Customer Master Sales Data data. Below you can view the Table Structure, columns(fields), SAP Wiki pages, discussion threads, related TCodes, FMs, ABAP Reports, BW Datasources, and Authorization Objects for KNVV.

What is CRM table?

These are some important tables in CRM : – BUT000 : BP: General data – Contains Business Partner Number, Partner Category, Partner Type, First Name, Last Name etc. – BUT020 BP: Addresses. – BUT050 BP relationships/role definitions: General data – Contains Relationship, Partner Number (PARTNER1), Relationship Category.

What is sales area in SD?

sales area is a combination of sales org, distribution channel and division. the sales area is an essential part of SD transaction processing. you assign customers, materials and documents to a sales area. sales area can also influence your pricing.

What is BP grouping in SAP?

A business partner grouping categorizes the business partners and it is also called as Number range. During Business partners creation, the number assignments will be determined by a grouping. Number ranges are divides to two types.

Where is sales area in SAP?

Go to the following menu path: SPRO > Enterprise Structure > Assignment > Sales and Distribution > Set up sales area. Next, press F5 on Keyboard or button. Enter combinations of Sales Organizations, Distribution Channels and Divisions.

What is LFB1 table in SAP?

LFB1 is a standard Financial Accounting Transparent Table in SAP FI application, which stores Vendor Master (Company Code) data. Below you can view the Table Structure, columns(fields), SAP Wiki pages, discussion threads, related TCodes, FMs, ABAP Reports, BW Datasources, and Authorization Objects for LFB1.

How do I join KNVV and KNA1?

Joining two Tables

  1. In the tab Tables and Fields, click [Add] (1) to add two tables (e.g., KNA1 and KNVV).
  2. Select both tables on the left and mark the fields, which you want to extract (2).
  3. Switch to the Joins (3) tab to define the join condition.
  4. Optional: Switch to the WHERE clause tab and specify a WHERE clause.

How is sales area calculated in SAP SD?

How do you create a new sales area?

Report as offensive (i.e. containing spam, advertising, malicious text, etc.)

  1. Maintaining Sales Organization.
  2. Assigning Sales Organization to Company Code.
  3. Maintaining Distribution Channel.
  4. Assigning Distribution Channel to Sales Organization.
  5. Maintaining Division.
  6. Assigning Division to Sales Organization.

How do you check BP in SAP?

Create / Change / Display in BP (Business Partner)

  1. Goto the Authorizations tab and click on change icon and on the next screen search for the Authorization Object B_BUPA_RLT.
  2. Now we will add BP views to the RLTYP, click on change icon and select the relevant views.
  3. Here we have added views “000000” & “FLVN00”.