How do you vertically align a container?

For this to work, you need to have a parent container with the display: table; property, and inside that container you will have the number of columns you want to have centered, with the display: table-cell; (and vertical-align: middle; ) property.

How do I vertically align a div element?


  1. Use the position property with the “relative” value for the parent element to place it relative to its normal position.
  2. Use the position property with the “absolute” value for the child element to place it relative to its positioned parent element.
  3. Add the height, margin-top, top, border, and width properties.

What is Cell vertical alignment?

The vertical-align property is used to align inline-level elements that are positioned next to each other inside a line box. It is also used to align content inside table cells (

) and elements with display: table-cell .

How do I center text vertically in an HTML table?

Set the border for the



elements. Add the height and width properties for the

tag. Set the text-align property to “center”, and the vertical-align to “middle” for the


How do you vertically align elements in CSS?

To get them centered along a line, you’d use vertical-align: middle; . Although note that it centers the text according to its tallest ascender and deepest descender. Each element lines up according to the line you’ve set, which doesn’t change from element to element.

How do you vertically align in HTML?

The vertical-align property may be used to alter the vertical positioning of an inline element, relative to its parent element or to the element’s line….Vertical Alignment.

Syntax: vertical-align:
Possible Values: baseline | sub | super | top | text-top | middle | bottom | text-bottom |
Initial Value: baseline

What is horizontal alignment?

horizontal alignment. Definition English: Horizontal alignment is the positioning of a roadway, as shown in the plan view, using a series of straight lines called tangents connected by circular curves.

What is vertical alignment in Word?

Vertical alignment determines the position of the text within a section of a document relative to the top and bottom margins, and is often used to create a cover page.