What is spatial structure in ecology?

Spatial structure in ecological communities reflects organisms` dispersal limitation, mortality, social organization and spatially structured environmental variation (Peres-Neto and Legendre 2010).

What is spatial variation ecology?

This spatial variance in the environment creates diversity in communities of organisms, as well as in the variety of the observed biological and ecological events. The type of spatial arrangement present may suggest certain interactions within and between species, such as competition, predation, and reproduction.

What is spatial analysis in ecology?

Ecological data are usually characterized by spatial structures and as such, they are said to be spatially autocorrelated. Spatial autocorrelation refers to the pattern where the values of a quantitative variable are more similar at nearby locations than expected by chance alone.

What is spatial complexity ecology?

Spatial complexity is hypothesized to promote biodiversity by reducing the potential for competitive exclusion; whereas, models show that weak trophic interactions can enhance stability and maintain biodiversity by dampening destabilizing oscillations associated with strong interactions.

What does spatial mean in biology?

Spatial Biology is defined as the study of tissues within their own 2D or 3D context and is the new frontier of molecular biology. In the same way that GPS captures location coordinates within an area to create a map and track you within it, the same principle can be translated to a cellular and molecular level.

What is a spatial structure?

However, in these notes, the term spatial or space structure refers to a structure made of an assemblage of linear members interconnected to each other in space, resisting loads applied at their connections or along their lengths.

What are the causes of spatial variations?

Spatial variation in trace metals may be due to changes in salinity, hydrodynamic conditions, geomorphological, and tidal settings and point and nonpoint sources of pollution in an area (Jonathan et al., 2010) via processes such as bioturbation, resuspension, flocculation–deflocculation, and erosion that are known to …

Why is spatial biology Important?

Spatial biology adds another dimension to single-cell analysis. Spatial context is essential to understanding how cells organize and interact across the tissue landscape to drive disease progression and response to therapy.

What are examples of spatial?

Spatial is defined as something related to space. If you have a good memory regarding the way a location is laid out and the amount of room it takes up, this is an example of a good spatial memory.

What are spatial processes?

Spatial processes are processes taking place in space and may depend on location in space. They show different natures and are studied in different disciplines like ecology, geography, geocomputation, and physics. Exam- ples are the spread of forest fires (Yuan 2001), the growth of cities (Batty et al.

What is a spatial phenomenon?

Spatial phenomena can generally be thought of as either discrete objects with clear boundaries or as a continuous phenomenon that can be observed everywhere, but does not have natural boundaries. Discrete spatial objects may refer to a river, road, country, town, or a research site.