How do I find the DPI of an image?

To find out an image’s DPI in Windows, right-click on the file name and select Properties > Details. You’ll see the DPI in the Image section, labeled Horizontal Resolution and Vertical Resolution. On a Mac, you need to open the image in Preview and select Tools > Adjust Size. It’s labeled Resolution.

How do I find the DPI of an image in Windows?

Right-click on an image in File Explorer, then click “Properties”. In the image properties window, switch to the “Details” tab. In the details tab, scroll down to the “Image” sub-section, and look for the “Horizontal resolution” and “Vertical resolution” stats which should have a value in “dpi”.

How do you measure 300 DPI?

In this example we are using a photograph that is 5″ tall and 72 dpi, but we need an image to be 300 dpi.

  1. Multiply 5 by the current number of dots per inch: 72.
  2. Divide by the number of dots per inch that you need the image size to be: 300.
  3. Final calculation: 5 x 72 / 300 = 1.2.

How do I make a JPEG 300 DPI?

Here’s how you convert to 300 dpi Click File > Open > Choose your file. Next, click Image > Image Size, set the resolution to 300 if it is less than 300. Click resample, and choose Preserve Details (enlargement) on the drop-down menu. Then click OK.

How do I find DPI of an image in Windows 11?

How to check Image DPI in Windows 11/10

  1. Firstly, launch the MS Paint application.
  2. Now, open the image whose DPI value you want to check.
  3. Next, go to the File menu.
  4. Then, click on the Properties option.
  5. Locate the Resolution field and check the current DPI of the imported image.

How do I convert pixels to DPI?

dpi↔pixel/cm 1 pixel/cm = 2.54 dpi. dpi↔pixel/mm 1 pixel/mm = 25.4 dpi.

How do I change a JPEG to 300 DPI?


  1. Open your file in Photoshop.
  2. Click IMAGE > IMAGE SIZE. You should see a few different numbers, Like the Width, Height, and Resolution of your image.
  3. Uncheck the “Resample” checkbox. Type 300 into the Resolution box.
  4. Click “OK”
  5. Click FILE > SAVE.