What Legendaries are in FireRed?


  • Articuno. 0:00.
  • Zapdos. 1:40.
  • Moltres. 3:05.
  • Mewtwo. 5:50.
  • Deoxys. 7:55.
  • Ho-oh & Lugia. 9:00.
  • Raikou, Suicune and Entei. 11:20.
  • Mew (Mod) 12:00.

Can you catch Articuno in FireRed?

Inside the cave, drop two boulders through holes in the floor using HM strength, then head down to the lowest level and surf downriver to Articuno. To capture Articuno, attack it until its HP turns red, then put it to sleep and use as many Ultra Balls as you need to catch it.

Can you do the Mew glitch in FireRed?

Mew is an Event Pokémon, and was only available during a single event in 2006. There is a glitch that people claim will work to find Mew, but this only works in the original Pokémon games. It does not work in Fire Red.

How do I get Articuno Moltres and Zapdos?

Pokémon Sword and Shield’s Crown Tundra expansion brings back Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres with a Galarian twist. The three Legendary birds return to the series with Galarian forms and new typings. To catch the birds, you’ll need to head south from the Giant’s Bed to the large glowing tree in Dyna Tree Hill.

Can you get Lugia in Fire Red?

There are not a whole lot of places to find Lugia once you’ve missed the event needed to catch it in Fire Red. However, you can get Lugia in Gold, Silver, and Pokémon XD, though a little work is required to transfer it to Fire Red.

Where is Lugia in Fire Red?

Lugia and Ho-Oh can indeed be caught in Emerald, FireRed, and LeafGreen, but… it’s not simple. Lugia and Ho-Oh are located on an island called Navel Rock. To go there, you need an item called the MysticTicket – a ticket for a ferry. This item is, however, not available in the game…

Where is Zapdos in fire red?

Find Zapdos at the Power Plant. Once you obtain the HM Surf from the Safari Zone, fly to the Rock Tunnel entrance and walk up to the grass patch, get through the open fence and surf down the river to the Power Plant. Enter the Power Plant, and proceed counterclockwise through the building to reach Zapdos.

Where is Moltres in fire red?

Mt. Ember
In order to find Moltres, you will need to beat Blaine at the Cinnabar Gym and earn the Volcano Badge. You will receive a ferry ticket that will open up access to One Island and Mt. Ember where Moltres resides.

Where is deoxys in fire red?

Birth Island
Birth Island (Japanese: たんじょうのしま Birth Island) is a location near Six and Seven Islands in the Sevii Islands, accessible in Pokémon FireRed, LeafGreen, and Emerald. The Mythical Pokémon Deoxys dwells on this island.

What legendary is in Swords?

Zacain is the Legendary Pokémon exclusive to Pokémon Sword. In its weakened state, Zacain is a fairy-type Pokémon, but when it holds the Rusted Sword, which you find in the Slumbering Weald, it will become a fairy and steel-type Pokémon.