What is a SUNCT headache?
What is a SUNCT headache?
Definition. SUNCT-Short-lasting, Unilateral, Neuralgiform headache attacks with Conjunctival injection and Tearing-is a rare form of headache that is most common in men after age 50.
What is a Hemicranial headache?
Hemicrania continua is a headache disorder. It causes constant pain in one side of the face and head. Unlike other headache disorders, environmental or lifestyle factors don’t trigger hemicranial headaches. People may also have migraine-like symptoms, such as nausea or sensitivity to light.
What are the symptoms of Suna?
Symptoms of SUNCT and SUNA The pain can feel like burning, stabbing, throbbing or electric. Attacks also include other autonomic symptoms, such as forehead sweating, pressure around the affected eye, eyelid swelling and eye tearing on the affected side of the face.
What is SUNA illness?
SUNA, short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with cranial autonomic symptoms; GONB: greater occipital nerve block; SUNCT, short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing.
What is paroxysmal Hemicrania?
Definition. Paroxysmal hemicrania is a rare form of headache that usually begins in adulthood. Patients experience severe throbbing, claw-like, or boring pain usually on one side of the face; in, around, or behind the eye; and occasionally reaching to the back of the neck.
What is trigeminal autonomic Cephalgias?
Trigeminal autonomic cephalgias (TACs) are primary headache syndromes characterized by severe short-lasting headaches accompanied by paroxysmal facial autonomic symptoms.
What is unilateral headache syndrome?
Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache is a rare primary headache disorder that comes with infrequent attacks that last seconds. The pain can be severe stabbing on one side of the face. The criteria to diagnose this condition has been updated recently.
How is SUNA treated?
Possible effective preventive drugs are carbamazepine, lamotrigine, gabapentin, and topiramate. At present, the drug of choice for SUNCT seems to be lamotrigine whereas SUNA may better respond to gabapentin. There is no available abortive treatment for the individual attacks.
What does Neuralgiform mean?
Medical Definition of neuralgiform : resembling neuralgia or that of neuralgia neuralgiform pains.
Can Hemicrania Continua be on both sides?
Hemicrania continua always involves head pain on only one side. It rarely switches sides. The pain is present 24 hours per day, seven days a week, continuously for at least three months.