How do I change the line spacing in Photoshop Elements?

In Photoshop Elements 12, it appears after you click the Text tool. In the dialogue section that appears, there is the option to adjust the leading. Often, it will say (Auto) in the leading box. This is based on a default formula of “font size + 20%” (e.g., a font of size 10 will have a default leading of size 12).

How do you adjust kerning or tracking?

To adjust kerning visually, click between two letters with the Type tool, and then press Option (macOS) or Alt (Windows) + left/right arrows. To reset tracking and kerning to default settings, select the text with the Type tool. Press Cmd+Option+Q (macOS) or Ctrl+Alt+Q (Windows).

How do you edit kerning?

Kern the characters that are above a particular size

  1. Select the text that you want to change.
  2. On the Home tab, click the Font Dialog Box Launcher, and then click the Advanced tab.
  3. Select the Kerning for fonts check box, and then enter the point size in the Points and above box.

Where is the character panel in Photoshop Elements?

The Character Panel In Photoshop. Open Character panel by going to Type Menu → Panels → Type Panel. You can also type Cmd/Ctrl-T to open the window. All sorts of type choices and options become available to you through this window.

How do you kern type?

Keyboard Shortcut: Click between the two letters, hold down the option or alt key and use the right and left arrow keys to adjust the kerning.

Is kerning and tracking the same?

Kerning looks at the adjustments of spaces between a pair of letters, while tracking examines the spacing between larger groups of letters and blocks of text.

How do I change the kerning of a font?

Enable and Adjust Kerning in Word on Windows

  1. Open the Font Dialog Box by clicking the arrow on the bottom right corner of the Font section of the ribbon.
  2. Select the Advanced tab in the window.
  3. Check the box for Kerning for fonts under Character Spacing.
  4. To the right, enter the minimum point value you want to use.

How do you fix kerning in Photoshop?

To adjust the kerning of your text in Photoshop, go Window > Character to reveal the Character Panel. Click between the letters you wish to edit, then type in a kerning value in the kerning option of the Character Panel. Alternatively, press Alt or Option + Left/Right Arrow Key to adjust this value.

What does Ctrl H do in Photoshop?

Hi All, on a new, unaltered Photoshop installation (Win10) pressing Ctrl-+ H hides both guides and selections. Hiding guides has its default mapping Ctrl+; assigned but it seemingly gets overriden somehow.