How use iftop command in Linux?

iftop is very simple to use. Just type the iftop command on terminal with root privileges to display the bandwidth usage of the first network interface. Press Q to exit from the iftop command output. To view the source and destination listening ports, just press SHIFT+S and SHIFT+D.

How do I find my network interface utilization in Linux?

Best Tools to Monitor Network Bandwidth on a Linux Server

  1. iftop Display Bandwidth Usage.
  2. nload Displays Network Usage.
  3. NetHogs Monitor Network Traffic Bandwidth.
  4. bmon Bandwidth Monitor and Rate Estimator.
  5. vnStat Network Traffic Monitor.
  6. iPerf/iPerf3 Network Bandwidth Measurement Tool.

What is the difference between iftop and Iptraf command?

Iptraf is much more detailed in its output compared to iftop command. Iptraf shows traffic summery based on the protocol of the traffic. It shows the summery for tcp,udp,icmp,ip traffic in its output. It also comes handy to find out checksum errors in the packet send and received.

How check high network utilization Linux?

Nethogs. Nethogs is an open-source command-line utility that allows viewing network usage of a process running in the Linux system. Unlike the above IPTraf and Iftop tools, Nethogs sorts the output by process and bandwidth usage. Therefore, it comes handy when you need to find which process is using more bandwidth.

What is iftop command?

“iftop” is a network monitoring command in Linux that displays real-time information about your network bandwidth usage. This command can easily be installed on any Linux distribution and can be used very conveniently.

What does iftop stand for?

Interface TOP
iftop is a network analyzing tool used by system administrators to view the bandwidth related stats. It shows a quick overview of the networking activities on an interface. It stands from Interface TOP and the top is derived from op command in Linux.

How do I find my network utilization?

How to check network usage with Settings

  1. Use the Windows key + I keyboard shortcut to open the Settings app.
  2. Click Network & internet.
  3. Click Data usage. Under Overview, you’ll see the total data usage from the last 30 days for Wi-Fi and Ethernet connections.

How do I check data usage on Linux?

17 Useful Bandwidth Monitoring Tools to Analyze Network Usage in…

  1. Site24x7’s NetFlow Analyzer.
  2. ManageEngine Netflow Analyzer.
  3. Vnstat Network Traffic Monitor Tool.
  4. Iftop Display Bandwidth Usage.
  5. nload – Monitor Network Usage.
  6. NetHogs – Monitor Network Usage Per User.
  7. Bmon – Bandwidth Monitor and Rate Estimator.

How do I check my current Internet speed Linux?

How to Test Network Speed in Linux via CLI

  1. Using speedtest-cli to Test Internet Speed.
  2. Using fast-cli to Test Internet Speed.
  3. Using CMB to Show Network Speed.
  4. Using iperf to Measure Network Speed Between Two Devices.
  5. Using nload to View Incoming and Outgoing Network Traffic.
  6. Using tcptrack to Test Network Activity.

How do I turn off iftop?

Iftop Options and Usage Press ‘ q ‘ to quit from running windows.

Where is iftop?

Iftop is available in the official software repositories of Debian/Ubuntu Linux, you can install it using apt command as shown. On RHEL/CentOS, you need to enable the EPEL repository, and then install it as follows.

How do you use NetHogs?

To run the nethogs utility, type the following command under red-hat-based systems….NetHogs Options and Usage

  1. -d – delay for refresh rate.
  2. -h – list available commands usage.
  3. -p – sniff in promiscuous mode (not recommended).
  4. -t – tracemode.
  5. -V – show version info.