What is the demographic for TED talks?

Ted talk speakers have a wide range of ages with the youngest being just 13 years old and the oldest being a grand old age of 94. For parrots though you need to live a full life and be at least 30 if you want a shot at that Ted Talk speaking opportunity.

Is TEDx better than TED?

The main difference between TED and TEDx is that TEDx is focused on a local, geographic area. It is a local gathering where TED-like talks and presentations are shared with the community. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx.

What is the most watched TEDx?

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# Name Total TED talk Views
1 Brené Brown 67,874,050
2 Simon Sinek 68,562,075
3 Amy Cuddy 60,720,729
4 James Veitch 87,856,830

Who is watching TED talks?

Who are the people who together watched TED talks over a billion times? Data from Alexa.com suggested that visitors who are young (18-24) and in graduate school are overrepresented in the TED site.

What is Rosling’s claim about overpopulation?

The Roslings’ conclusion that population is not a problem can only be reached by neglecting resource and environmental concerns. Population – and associated consumption, especially in the developed world – is a driver of multiple environmental problems now: further population growth will exacerbate the problems.

How much does it cost to run a TEDx event?

Fees are set according to company size and support the non-profit TEDx platform. Most licenses range between $10,000 – $100,000 USD per event.

Who owns TEDX?

Tonight, Chris Anderson, the owner of TED and TED Talks, the nonprofit media organization which posts talks online for free.

What is the number 1 TED talk?

The Top 10 Most Popular TED Talks

  • We love TED Talks and hope you do too.
  • Ken Robinson – How schools kill creativity.
  • Amy Cuddy – Your body language shapes who you are.
  • Simon Sinek – How great leaders inspire action.
  • Brené Brown – The power of vulnerability.
  • Jill Bolte Taylor – My stroke of insight.

Why are TED Talks so popular?

One of the most important factors in TED talk’s vast popularity is that they are available online, anytime, to anyone, and for no cost. While the original TED conferences were more elite and expensive to attend, now anyone can benefit from the information and inspiration, even if on a limited budget.