How do catapults work step by step?

The catapult works when the potential energy stored in a stretched rubber band is converted to kinetic energy when it snaps back to its loose shape, moving the catapult arm—and the projectile! After students build their catapults, they will test them by launching projectiles.

What forces make a catapult work?

A catapult is a launching device that allows us to experimentally observe projectile motion (see Figure 1). Once the ball is launched, the only forces acting are gravity and air resistance. Gravity accelerates the ball in the negative y direction. Air resistance accelerates the ball in the opposite direction of travel.

How does a real catapult work?

The catapult you are about to make uses elastic potential energy stored in a wooden stick as you bend it. When you let go, this stored energy is released, converted into energy of motion and transferred to the missile (the launched object), which then flies through the air.

How does a catapult work as a simple machine?

A catapult is a lever simple machine. A lever changes the distribution of the weight, as seen in the catapult, as the weight is moved from the object being launched to the fulcrum, where the craft sticks are banded together. The weight is pivoted to send the object flying.

How does a catapult get its energy to launch items?

For a catapult, potential energy is stored as elastic energy. This energy results from the force put in as the muscu- lar push or pull needed to stretch, bend, or twist some sort of elastic material that is attached to the throwing arm.

How did a medieval catapult work?

Nearly all catapults employed in ancient and medieval artillery operated by a sudden release of tension on bent wooden beams or of torsion in twisted cords of horsehair, gut, sinew, or other fibres. An exception was the medieval trebuchet, powered by gravity.

How far can a catapult shoot?

500 to 1,000 feet
Catapults can launch things a fair distance — 500 to 1,000 feet (150 to 300 meters) is common. It is surprising how much energy they can store. The gears are important, because they create a winch. The winch allows a person to put a great deal of energy into the catapult over a period of time.

How do Roman catapults work?

How does a catapult get its energy?

In a catapult, an object is held in a basket at the end of an arm, which is pulled tight against the ground to maximize potential energy. When the arm is released, the basket sends the object flying into the air, transforming the potential energy into kinetic energy.