What is my Idaho hunting license number?

Answer: You can now look up your Idaho Hunter Education (or Bowhunter Education number) and print out the information from our Website at: https://fishandgame.idaho.gov/hed/public/duplicateprintcards.aspx.

How do I figure out my Hunters Education number?

If you do not have email, call 1-888-HUNT-ED2 (1-888-486-8332). Please supply your name, date of birth, type of course you took (hunter education, bowhunter education, trapper education, waterfowl hunter education), and when and where you took the course.

How do I find out if I drew a tag in Idaho?

Hunters can check their account on GoOutdoorsIdaho.com or see how to set up an account online to see if they drew controlled hunt tags for spring turkey. Hunters whose names were drawn can buy the controlled hunt tags through the online license system or by calling 1-800-554-8685.

Can I hunt on my own land without a license in Idaho?

Answer: No. You must have a valid Idaho hunting license to hunt on private land, and you must stay within the season rules that Fish and Game has set up for the unit. Hunting any wildlife, even on private property, must adhere to state fish and game laws.

What is an Idaho combination license?

Lifetime combination hunting and fishing licenses authorize all privileges associated with a corresponding annual license. These licenses are valid for the lifetime of the license holder and are available to all residents of the state of Idaho and can only be purchased at IDFG offices.

How do I get my hunting license in Idaho?

Where to Buy an Idaho Hunting License

  1. Visit the Idaho Department of Fish and Game website.
  2. Call 1-800-554-8685.
  3. Visit an Idaho Department of Fish and Game office or an approved license vendor.

How do I find my hunter safety number in Georgia?

DNR Number Visit www.gooutdoorsgeorgia.com to locate your existing Customer ID Number or create a new one. Call 1-800-366-2661 (8AM–6PM Monday–Friday, 9AM–5PM Saturday–Sunday) or visit a local license agent for more information.

How do I get a copy of my hunter safety card in WV?

If you have lost or misplaced your hunter education card, contact your local WVDNR Law Enforcement Office, pick up an application for a duplicate card, complete it, and mail it along with a $10 check or money order to one of the addresses listed on the application.

Is Idaho a draw state for deer hunting?

Idaho’s controlled hunt permits are a true random draw. Irrespective of how many times you have applied in the past, an applicant in the random draw receives only 1 entry unlike many other states.

How many controlled hunts can I put in for Idaho?

Two hunters may apply on the same application for turkey, spring and fall bear, moose, bighorn sheep or mountain goat. Up to four hunters may apply on the same application for deer, elk, or pronghorn.

How many acres do you need to hunt on it in Idaho?

Answer: There is no minimum size of acres you need to own in order to hunt on it. You should take into account safety issues as well as the amount of land needed to provide habitat for the species you wish to hunt.

Is hunter orange required in Idaho?

Idaho doesn’t require that you wear hunter orange while big game hunting. It is required if you are hunting upland birds on WMAs where we plant pheasants.