What is the maximum distance for a 10BASE2 segment?
What is the maximum distance for a 10BASE2 segment?
10BASE2 coax cables have a maximum length of 185 metres (607 ft). The maximum practical number of nodes that can be connected to a 10BASE2 segment is limited to 30 with a minimum distance of 0.5 metres (20 in) between devices.
What is the distance limitation of 10BASE2 coaxial cable?
10Base2 refers to the specifications for thin coaxial cable carrying Ethernet signals. The 2 refers to the approximate maximum segment length being 200 meters.
What is the maximum distance of 10BASE2 Ethernet in meters?
Alternatively referred to as Thin Ethernet or Thinnet, 10BASE2 is an IEEE standard for baseband Ethernet at 10 MBps over thick coaxial cable. 10BASE2 has a maximum distance of 185 meters. Thin Ethernet is five millimeters in diameter and used to connect machines up to 1,000 feet apart.
What is the distance limitation of 10BASE2 or ThinNet?
10Base2 ThinNet segments cannot be longer than 185 meters, although it is often exaggerated to 200 meters, and you can’t put more than 30 devices on each populated segment. The entire cabling scheme, including all five segments, can’t be longer than 925 meters.
What is 10BASE5 and 10Base2?
10Base2—An Ethernet term meaning a maximum transfer rate of 10 Megabits per second that uses baseband. signaling, with a contiguous cable segment length of 100. meters and a maximum of 2 segments. 10Base5—An Ethernet term meaning a maximum transfer rate of 10 Megabits per second that uses baseband.
What kind of cable is used by 10Base2?
RG- 58 A/U coaxial cable
10Base2 use RG- 58 A/U coaxial cable that is thinner, flexible, cheaper and comparatively easier to install than cable used in 10Base5 standard. The maximum cable length within a 10Base2 is 200 meters, but 185 meter is a preferred length.
What is the maximum distance of cabling used on a 10Base5 network?
The technology was standardized in 1982 as IEEE 802.3. 10BASE5 uses a thick and stiff coaxial cable up to 500 meters (1,600 ft) in length.
What is the maximum segment length for 10BASE-T cable?
100 m
Since the maximum length of a cable in a 10BASE-T network is 100 m, repeaters are needed for longer distances. Two or more segments — with the minimum length of a segment being 2.5 m — connect using repeaters. Cascading regular hubs or stackable hubs are used to network many computers.
What is 10Base2 and 10BASE5?