Who is Nunkie and how does Janie?

Who is Nunkie, and how does Janie feel about her? Why? One of the girls that works in the fields with Tea Cake. Janie is jealous of her because she is getting more attention from Tea Cake than Janie is and Nunkie is flirting with Tea Cake.

Who is Nunkie And what does she do in Chapter 15?

Summary: Chapter 15 After a while in the muck, Janie begins to grow jealous of Nunkie, a chunky girl who flirts with Tea Cake in the fields. As the season goes on, Nunkie grows bolder and bolder and is always falling over Tea Cake and playfully touching him.

Why does Hurston devote Chapter 15 to Janie’s jealousy of Nunkie?

Why does Hurston devote this chapter to Janie’s jealousy of Nunkie? Hurston includes this to help emphasize just how much she loves Tea Cake, and her developing trust for him. It also shows how he is different than her past two husbands because is actually jealous to keep him.

What does Janie finally do to stop Nunkie?

According to Janie, not much. What does Janie finally do to stop Nunkie? She chases after Nunkie through the sugarcane.

What happened as a result of the incident with Nunkie?

What happened as a result of the incident with Nunkie? Janie beat up Nunkie and drove her out of the area. Tea Cake reassured Janie that she was the only woman in whom he was interested.

What does Nunkie do to get tea cakes attention?

Q. What does Nunkie do to get Tea Cake’s attention? a. Nunkie pretends to be sick for Tea Cake’s sympathy.

Does Janie believe that Tea Cake was ever interested in Nunkie?

8. Janie doesn’t believe that Tea Cake was interested in Nunkie. 9. Janie wants Tea Cake to insult Nunkie for her, so that she can “crow” over Nunkie.

What was the incident with Nunkie?

What happened as a result of the incident with Nunkie? Janie beat up Nunkie and drove her out of the area. Tea Cake reassured Janie that she was the only woman in whom he was interested. Janie took up with another man for spite.