What is the coldest month in Hungary?

The cold season lasts for 3.5 months, from November 21 to March 3, with an average daily high temperature below 46°F. The coldest month of the year in Budapest is January, with an average low of 26°F and high of 37°F.

What is the Weather like in Hungarian?

Hungary has a continental climate, with hot summers with low overall humidity levels but frequent showers and frigid to cold snowy winters. The average annual temperature is between 10 and 11°C (50-52 °F). Recorded temperature extremes are about 42°C (107.6°F) in the summer and −34°C (−20.2 °F) in the winter.

What was the temperature in Budapest today?

Seven day forecast for Budapest

Time 00:00 17:00
Temperature in degrees Celsius 23° 26°
Feels like temperature °C
Feels like temperature in degrees Celsius 23° 26°
Wind direction and speed mph Choose wind speed units mph km/h knots m/s Beaufort

Is Budapest warm in July?

Budapest weather July July is the hottest month of the year, which means it’s also one of the busiest times to visit Budapest. Budapest weather in July is mostly warm and sunny with comfortable humidity levels, which means you can enjoy the heat without feeling tired or balmy at the same time.

Can you drink tap water in Budapest?

In Budapest the tap water is healthy and safe to consume – In Hungary drinking water is the most strictly controlled food.

What food is Budapest famous for?

Top 7 Hungarian Dishes You Must Try in Budapest

  • 01 of 07. Lángos. Adél Békefi/Getty Images.
  • 02 of 07. Kürtőskalács (Chimney Cake)
  • 03 of 07. Töltött káposzta (Stuffed Cabbage)
  • 04 of 07. Gulyás (Goulash)
  • 05 of 07. Dobos Torta (Drummer Cake)
  • 06 of 07. Kolbász (Sausage)
  • 07 of 07. Gyümölcsleves (Cold Fruit Soup)
