What happened to Tony swatton Man at Arms?

For several seasons, blacksmith and gemcutter Tony Swatton was the series’ host. In 2013, Swatton retired from Man at Arms, and brothers Kerry and Matt Stagmer of Baltimore Knife and Sword were selected to replace him.

Is Ilya still with Man at Arms?

Ilya is currently an Armourer working with Baltimore Knife and Sword as well as one of the product designers. Among the skills that he brings to the Man at Arms project are his expertise in armour, damascus steel, bloomery steel, and engraving.

What is the purpose of a Flamberge?

The Flamberge was a weapon that appears to be a rapier sword but was also considered as a long sword; this type of weapon features a wavy blade that was necessary for aiding the wielder when it came to chopping or parring pikes or spears.

Who is the best blacksmith in the world?

Table of Contents show

  • 1.1 1) Lorenz Helmschmied.
  • 1.2 2) Simeon Wheelock.
  • 1.3 3) Alexander Hamilton Willard.
  • 1.4 4) William Goyens.
  • 1.5 5) James Black.
  • 1.6 6) Thomas Davenport.
  • 1.7 7) John Fritz.
  • 1.8 8) Samuel Yellin.

Who made the swords for Pirates of the Caribbean?

Swatton created all the swords for the main characters in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, and became such an integral part of the production that he was invited to filming.

What happened to Illia?

Although Ilia was killed by the V’ger probe, V’ger created another probe that was an artificial near-duplicate of her to collect information and act as a liaison between V’ger and the “carbon units” that “infested” the Enterprise. The probe mentioned that the Ilia unit was “no longer functioning”.

Is Ilya still with Baltimore Knife and Sword?

Ilya currently works with BKS making armor and other high end weaponry. He will be demoing engraving and other similar techniques.

Is Flamberge a Zweihander?

Flambard, flammard, and Flammenschwert The two-handed flame-bladed sword is called by the German Flammenschwert (literally “flame sword”). These swords are very similar to two-handed sword or Zweihänder, the only difference being the blade.