What is PPI FE exam?
What is PPI FE exam?
Passing the FE exam is your first step to becoming a professional licensed engineer. PPI exam bundles provide absolutely everything you need to pass your FE exam. All of our industry-leading FE exam prep materials are available in an easy-to-use learning platform—PPI Learning Hub. Choose your FE exam to get started!
What is PPI training?
Systems Engineering Training for Project Success PPI improves the performance of its clients and the lives of their people by improving the practice of engineering, based on systems thinking, and using the principles and methods of systems engineering.
Which PE exam is the easiest?
However, according to many engineers, the water resources PE exam is the easiest to pass. As mentioned in the above table, the passing percentage was 71% for the water resources exam. Similarly, transportation PE was 2nd rank (70% pass percentage) and so on. Also, most of the engineers cleared it in the first attempt.
How difficult is the FE exam?
A 54% pass rate is a hard exam, the hardest among the FE exams. The FE Mechanical and FE Environmental exams now have the highest pass rate at 66% (see our chart in the next section below), and a 34% failure rate is something we consider very demanding.
How many hours should I study for PE exam?
We recommend that you study for approximately 100-120 hours. A solid study plan that worked for several of our engineers is to spend approximately one half day each Sunday studying for the three months leading up to the exam, and then study every day for a few hours the week before the exam.
Are you an engineer without a PE?
If you do not have a PE license, you cannot officially call yourself an engineer — and your company cannot identify you as an engineer — in official documents, such as business cards, letterheads and resumes. Additionally, you will need to register as a PE if you decide to work for yourself as a consultant.