What is the synonym of gimmick?

1 stunt, plan, ruse, ploy; angle. See synonyms for gimmick on Thesaurus.com.

What does my gimmick meaning?

/ˈɡɪm.ɪk/ something that is not serious or of real value that is used to attract people’s attention or interest temporarily, especially to make them buy something: a publicity gimmick. They give away free gifts with children’s meals as a sales/marketing gimmick. Attention-seeking, distracting and showing off.

What is a gimmick example?

gimmick Add to list Share. A gimmick is a trick intended to attract attention. If you lure crowds to your bake sale by having cute football players handing out samples in front of your booth, that’s a gimmick. A gimmick is often used by businesses to sell a product.

How do you use the word gimmick?

Gimmick in a Sentence ?

  1. The salesman’s gimmick was to lure teenagers into purchasing the new cell phone for its secret messaging system, but this feature really didn’t work.
  2. Commercials usually have a gimmick to their products because they seldom work exactly as they did on the advertisement.

What does gimmick mean in reading?

(gɪmɪk ) Word forms: gimmicks. countable noun. A gimmick is an unusual and unnecessary feature or action whose purpose is to attract attention or publicity. [disapproval]

Is Gymic a word?

a. Of, relating to, or situated in a specified place with respect to female plant organs: epigynous.

What does no gimmicks mean?

1 something designed to attract extra attention, interest, or publicity.

Is gimmick a negative word?

It definitely has a negative connotation. It is a trick advertisers use to get your attention or to get you into their stores.

What is a gimmick in teaching?

In educational terms then, we will define gimmicks as tricks or devices intended to attract students’ attention in the hope that they will become better behaved or more motivated to work hard.

What is Gynic?

Definition of gynic : of or relating to a female person —contrasted with andric.

What is the opposite of gimmick?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for gimmicky. uncreative, unimaginative.