What does white symbolize in The Bluest Eye?

White typically represents purity and innocence; however, in the novel whenever it is mentioned it is juxtaposed with something evil, harmful, or destroyed. Soaphead Church, Maureen and Geraldine are all obsessed with the color and are all antagonists.

What do the dandelions symbolize in The Bluest Eye?

Morrison uses the dandelions as symbols as to how Pecola views herself or subconsciously as a dandelion with people thinking she is as ugly and worthless as a weed. With these ideas, Morrison implies that the concept of not equaling the image of beauty society provides causes one to feel that he/she is not attractive.

What does autumn symbolize in The Bluest Eye?

Fall is the embodiment of harvest time. Pecola’s baby dies and no marigolds appear. Instead of bounteous wealth, there is an abundance of sadness.

What does Junior’s cat symbolize in The Bluest Eye?

Junior throws the cat at Pecola, and she realizes that the cat is black with blue eyes — characteristics that Pecola wishes she had. Subsequently, the cat symbolizes the ways in which both Pecola and Junior have been conditioned to see themselves and behave.

What does Pecola Breedlove symbolize?

Pecola is also a symbol of the black community’s self-hatred and belief in its own ugliness. Others in the community, including her mother, father, and Geraldine, act out their own self-hatred by expressing hatred toward her.

What does the torn sofa symbolize in The Bluest Eye?

The couch in particular becomes a symbol of the family’s situation. The rip in the upholstery connects to the perceived ugliness of the family, and also reveals the couch’s cheap frame, an image that alludes to the Breedlove’s frail family structure.

What does Maureen Peal symbolize?

Maureen is a snobby, uppity light-skinned girl with money who is new to the neighborhood. Maureen comes to symbolize a different kind of black family – the upwardly mobile, light-skinned African-American family that disdains darker-skinned black people.

What does the sofa symbolize in The Bluest Eye?

What does Maureen Peal represent in The Bluest Eye?

What are the major themes in The Bluest Eye?

The Bluest Eye Themes

  • Appearances. In The Bluest Eye, characters associate beauty with whiteness.
  • Race. Whiteness in The Bluest Eye is associated with beauty, innocence, goodness, cleanliness, and purity.
  • Women and Femininity.
  • Jealousy.
  • Society and Class.
  • Love.
  • Sex.
  • Innocence.

What does Pecola represent to Geraldine?

Pecola represents everything that Geraldine despises — disorder, black poverty, and filthy ugliness.