How do you develop Tri-X?

Preparation process

  1. Kodak Tri-X 400 shot at 400.
  2. Ilfosol 3 at a dilution of 1 + 9 (that means 1 part of film developer and 9 parts water)
  3. Developed for 7.5 minutes at 20ºC/68°F.
  4. Agitations every minute for 10 seconds.

What does Tri-X stand for?

TRIX Template Resolution In Xml Computing » General Computing Rate it:
TRIX MidAmerican Energy Company Regional » Railroads Rate it:
TRIX Midwest Energy Services Regional » Railroads Rate it:

How do you do stand development?

Stand Develop Your Film Agitate by turning the tank upside down, then back up again. Once the minute is up bang the bottom of the tank against a hard surface. This will dislodge any air bubbles that have built up on the film. Now simply leave it to stand for an hour.

How do I develop Kodak film?

How to Develop Film at Home in 12 Steps

  1. Place equipment into the changing bag.
  2. Open your film canister.
  3. Feed the film into your reel.
  4. Load the film reel into the developing tank.
  5. Mix your chemicals.
  6. Pour your developer into the tank.
  7. Pour your stop bath into the tank.
  8. Pour your fixer into the tank.

Can You Stand develop c41?

My process is not quite just stand. C-41 dev temp is at ~63F/17C, agitate for first minute, and agitate once after 20 minutes. Develop for a total of 45 minutes (or up to 47 when the chemicals start to get weak).

How do you stand develop with HC 110?

Stand Developing With HC-110

  1. Presoak the film for 5 minutes in water at 68 degrees.
  2. Mix 6mL HC-110 syrup with 714ml water at 68 degrees (720mL working solution)
  3. Gentle agitation for the first 30 seconds and then let it set for 30 minutes.

What is stand initiation?

Stand Initiation (Reorganization) Stage. • After a lethal disturbance creating a chunk of vacant. growing space, the trees that may become established do. not fully occupy the growing space (before canopy closure).

Is XTOL a one shot developer?

Xtol can either be used as a stock solution, or it can be diluted further with water for one-shot processing. You can dilute 1+1. That means one part stock solution to one part water.

Can I reuse XTOL?

Note: If you use XTOL Developer diluted 1:1, dilute it just before you use it, and discard it after processing one batch of film. Do not reuse or replenish this diluted solution.