What is a French cop called?

Definition of gendarme 1 : a member of a body of soldiers especially in France serving as an armed police force for the maintenance of public order. 2 : police officer.

What are French police ranks in order?

Comparative ranks of French police services

# Police nationale Gendarmerie nationale
1. Directeur général de la police nationale Général d’armée
2. Directeur des Services Actifs Général de corps d’armée
3. Inspecteur Général Général de division
4. Contrôleur Général Général de brigade

What is the French CID called?

The forensics service of the police is called Police technique et scientifique (Technical and Scientific Police). It is the equivalent of the American CSI Units.

How long is police training in France?

The initial training of ordinary police officers is the most streamlined link in the professional training system of the French Ministry of Internal Affairs. It lasts 12 months. Over four months, students receive the basic knowledge necessary for a police officer to carry out patrol duty.

Do police in France wear uniform?

France – Culture They deal with all crime within the jurisdiction of their police station ( commissariat de police) and are most commonly seen in towns, distinguished by the silver buttons on their uniforms. At night and in rain and fog, they often wear white caps and capes.

What cars do French police drive?

The PEUGEOT 5008 has been chosen by the Ministry of the Interior as a reference vehicle for the French police and gendarmerie. The specifications defined the willingness to equip the police forces with a vehicle of the highest level of performance and made in France.

Can foreigner join police in France?

1 Entry Requirements To work as a police officer for the French National Police or Gendarmerie a candidate must be of French nationality and between 17 and 35 years old. Candidates must also be at least 5’3″ and in good health with good eyesight.

Can I become a police officer in France?

Citizens of France aged 17 to 35 years old with secondary education, good health, and a referral approved by the prefect are admitted to serve in the police. Before taking up any position in the police force, a person entering the service is required to undergo training in one of the police training institutions.