What happens to Karen in you?

In the grand scheme of You, Karen is the luckiest character on the show. Joe dumps her, she takes it well, she gets the last word with both Joe and Beck and more importantly, she survives Joe’s murderous impulses. But it’s still hard to stomach the way her character is treated in her mini-arc.

What does Joe do with Karen?

Joe cheated on Karen and let Beck call her “little Karen Minty”. When it came time to end the relationship, Karen gathered her things and left Joe to his shenanigans without another word.

How did Joe meet Karen?

Karen was a friend of Joe’s neighbor Claudia in New York. She met him in passing a couple of times, including while Joe was on his way to Beck’s surprise party carrying the special cake he had made her with the scrabble board spelling out “everythingship”.

Does Joe break up with Karen?

Joe breaks up with his new girlfriend Karen Minty to get back together with Beck.

Does Dr. Nicky know Paul is Joe?

Nicky” subreddit dedicated to his innocence. He shows Dr. Nicky a picture of Joe, and he confirms it was the patient he knew as Paul Brown.

What did Mooney do to Joe?

Mooney took him in. He cared for him but also was abusive to him believing that he was guiding him. He would often lock Joe in his glass cage in the basement to teach him various lessons, telling him that he is doing it out of love and to make sure Joe does not end up like his father.

What happens to Paco in You?

The character of Joe’s young neighbor Paco (Luca Padovan) also became an important ingredient in raising the stakes for Joe. All season long, Joe tried to protect Paco from his mother’s abusive boyfriend Ron (Daniel Cosgrove) and in the finale ended up killing him — in front of Paco’s eyes.

Was Beck sleeping with her therapist?

He told Dr. Nicky that he was gay and struggling in his relationship, but he was really trying to see if Beck was sleeping with the therapist. Eventually, it was revealed that she was.

Did Beck sleep with her therapist?

Joe and Beck date on and off for a few months, but after Peach’s death, they really connect and seem like they’re in a good place (from Joe’s perspective). But then he figures out that the whole time they’ve been together, she’s actually been sleeping with her therapist, Dr. Nicky (played by John Stamos).

Does Beck sleep with peach?

Peach gets extremely worried when Beck is distant from her, once pretending to attempt to take her own life by overdosing on pills for Beck’s attention, Beck then comes to Peach’s house and Peach requests that Beck sleep with her for comfort.

What happens to Paco You?

What did Love do with Delilah?

Later he discovers that Love murdered Delilah because she believed Delilah was a threat to Love and Joe’s relationship.