What is materialism AP euro?
What is materialism AP euro?
materialism. a belief that everything mental, spiritual, or ideal is an outgrowth of physical forces and that truth is found in concrete material existence, not through feeling or intution. natural selection.
What is positivism AP euro?
Positivism was an ideology that asserted that only scientific knowledge was valid and definitive. This philosophy was popular during the late 19th century but was later replaced by Neopositivism.
Why did Prussian middle class liberals support Bismarck?
Why did the Prussian middle-class liberals make an about-face and support their old enemy Bismarck after 1866? Bismarck had long been convinced that the old order he so ardently defended should make peace, on its own terms, with the liberal middle class and the nationalist movement.
What was the North German Confederation quizlet?
The North German Confederation was formed, with the north German states joining together, and the Southern German states having to pay large indemnities to Prussia. This occurred when the nationalistic king of Denmark, Fredrick VII, tried to annex the two provinces, Schleswig and Holstein, into the kingdom of Denmark.
What is utopian socialism AP euro?
Utopian socialism. Ideology, French mainly, utopian socialism believed that rich and poor should be more equal and that government should interfere in the economy in order for everyone to work happily.
What did the Union of Zollverein do?
Zollverein, (German: “Customs Union”) German customs union established in 1834 under Prussian leadership. It created a free-trade area throughout much of Germany and is often seen as an important step in German reunification.
What led William I call upon Otto von Bismarck to lead the Prussian government?
What led William I to call upon Otto von Bismarck to lead the Prussian government? Prussia’s tough-minded William I was convinced that war with Austria or France was possible, and he pushed to raise taxes and increase the defense budget to double the army’s size.
What was the significance of the Ems telegram?
The Ems Dispatch (French: Dépêche d’Ems, German: Emser Depesche), sometimes called the Ems Telegram, was published on 13 July 1870 and incited the Second French Empire to start the Franco-Prussian War and to declare war on the Kingdom of Prussia on 19 July 1870.
What is meant by utopian socialism?
Definition of utopian socialism : socialism based on a belief that social ownership of the means of production can be achieved by voluntary and peaceful surrender of their holdings by propertied groups.
What is chartism AP euro?
What was Chartism. the first large-scale European working-class political movement; it sought political reformers that would favor the interests of skilled British workers. When was Chartism. 1830s and 1840s.
What is the difference between pantheism and Panentheism?
While pantheism asserts that “all is God”, panentheism claims that God is greater than the universe. Some versions of panentheism suggest that the universe is nothing more than the manifestation of God. In addition, some forms indicate that the universe is contained within God, like in the Kabbalah concept of tzimtzum.